So excited to be writing in a new genre. I’m writing chapter 10 of a new romance. I’m unsure of the release date, but it will be in 2020. And definitely in time for stocking stuffers next year…Hmmm. Could that be a hint? (Perhaps the book is surrounding Christmas time? And maybe a Maine setting?) You must follow for updates. :-)
I have never been so excited about writing as I am right now. If you aren’t following me on my Amazon Author Page, you can do so here: http://www.amazon.com/author/virginiawright then you will be notified by email when my new book is released. Xx
You can also follow me on Twitter @virginia_wright or Facebook: virginiabrownwright and my favorite pastime besides writing is photography, follow me on Instagram if nature and food photography is your thing: https://www.instagram.com/wright.virginia/
Until then…