-Virginia Wright

-Virginia Wright
Visit my blog here, on Sunday, February 17, for the author interview and giveaway with Joe Pranaitis! Joe is giving away four of his books and a $25 Amazon Gift Card. You won’t want to miss this giveaway!
See you then,
-Virginia Wright
Good Tuesday morning…
After I host a guest author on my blog, everyone waits anxiously I’m sure for the announcement of who the “comment winner” will be.
As a little girl, I remember winning a drum set at the 5 & 10 on Main street in Belfast, Maine. My grandmother and I went into that store and we both put our names in the box for the giveaway they were having. Nana,won a large comfortable wicker chair with a red pad for the seat. We were both very excited with our winnings! Then several years later, when I had young children, I put our family’s name in at a store to win a set of Encyclopedias…I won. How excited I was. It is always fun winning!
Without further ado….
Congratulations goes out to: Karen Phillips
You have won a copy of author & illustrator Jodi Desautels new release, “Clarinda Cloud.” I will be getting your information to the author soon, Karen. Enjoy!
While I have your attention–I wanted to mention that there were 97 shares, between Facebook Likes, pins, etc. for this blog post. My heart is truly touched that so many follow my blog, and care enough to share my blog posts. I love you all for that! Please invite your friends and family to sign up for my blog updates by email. All they have to do is go to the homepage of my blog and on the sidebar they will see where to sign up via email. I do not bombard your inbox with lots of emails. I generally post one maybe two times a week. That’s it. Unless I have something really exciting to share. :-)
I’m working on a couple of new writing projects in 2013 – 2014, and a new blog (The Recipe Weekly). The Recipe Weekly is a place to share recipes, health and nutrition articles, and a place for me to ramble with my thoughts on various food issues. It will be a work in progress. I’m gearing up for a introduction late spring to early summer to this new blog with a nice giveaway. Right now, I have a couple of months tied up with prior commitments, then it will be full steam ahead…
On February 17, please join me as I introduce to you “Author, Joe Pranaitis. ” Joe is having a special giveaway on my blog…he is giving away four of his books and a $25 Amazon gift card. Please tell all your friends about this giveaway and stop by next Sunday or Monday and give a shout out to Joe. Good Luck!
Lastly…I’m being interviewed by Author & Illustrator Tracy Campbell, Saturday, February 23, 2013. I am going to let that be my weekly post and will refer you all over to her blog on February 24th with a link to the exact post. Yes, I’m having a giveaway…In honor of spring heading our way, I’m going to be giving away my non-fiction, educational book “Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do,” to (one) commenter that gets me buzzing with their comment!
Lots of excitement ahead…stayed tuned!
-Virginia Wright