Hello everyone! Thank you for stopping by my blog for the sixth week of “Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways.” There is one more week of the event, next Sunday, when you will read an interview with “me,” and you will comment for a chance to win books, and a grand prize that I’m giving away. (I will reveal the grand prize closer to next Sunday)! Mark your calenders for December 16, as this is my release party for… “The Christmas Secret,” which will be an “online” party. You can stay in the comfort of your own home, and visit my blog anytime that day. Don’t forget, you must comment to enter the giveaway. I will resume normal blogging after the event. However, I already have interviews scheduled for 2013. Now on to this weeks interview…Dennis Higgins and I met online, we became friends talking about author stuff, and I felt it was only fitting to interview Dennis. He is an awesome writer… please join me in welcoming Dennis Higgins as my guest author today!
-Virginia Wright
1.) What led you to become an author? My story began way back when I was a young man in my twenties. I had worked a mundane job in a receiving department where I used to fantasize about being a time traveler falling in love with someone in the past. My fantasies became elaborate stories where a man found himself in 1871 during the Chicago Fire. I had contrasted a modern woman he knew in the present named Cathy with a Victorian woman in the past named Catherine. I always wanted to write this into a book but never found the time. Fast forward to about ten years ago when I met my wife to-be, online. I told her about my desire to write that particular story so for fun we started writing a never ending story type with our characters, Katya and Cyrus. It wasn’t very good and contained almost sappy love sequences because we were falling in love at the time. We shelved the whole idea until she encouraged me to start writing by myself. I went a different direction with my first book, a Route 66 time travel adventure, until she encouraged me to revisit Katya and Cyrus for my second book. I kept the character names, even giving a nod towards Catherine and my Time Pilgrim series became a reality.
Awesome story, Dennis. I bought Katya and Cyrus and recently started reading your book…it is definitely keeping my interest!
2.) What genre do you write? I find my writing style best fits to a young adult demographic. I write time travel fantasy with a touch of romance.
Great combination!
3.) When you write, do you prefer silence or do you like to listen to music or the television? I write only in the early morning with complete silence. Of course I have to deal with my two dogs that also pick this time to play. In fact dog #2, Katie is trying to hand me her pull toy right now.
I can relate to needing complete silence, but there are times where I write better with some soothing music playing in the background.
4.) Do you have a particular place you prefer to write? Right here at my desktop computer. I once tried to write somewhere else at a different time of day and found that my writing style became darker. I suppose it’s good to shake it up a bit but it’s usually in the lower level of my house at my desk.
I have an office area, but I my writing home is in the corner of a reclining couch–with my laptop glued to my lap!
5.) How long did it take you to write your first book? It took me about one year to write each of my books. Publishing takes a bit longer though.
That sounds about right for me too. But with my latest book, it took me two years.
6.) Where do you get your inspirations from to write? I suppose as I stated in answer #1, I rely on my fantasies. I like to read but would not consider myself an avid reader. However, I must admit that a couple of authors have influenced me by expanding my love for time travel. I remember reading The Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger which I believed was great, but then I thought to myself that I could do this.
You have a wonderful imagination!
7.) Can you describe the feeling you had when you held your first published book? I felt like I had joined a great club of authors. I was a normal guy who had a dream and worked to make it a reality. But I also gave my thanks to God.
8.) What book are you currently working on? I have just recently submitted the second book in my Time Pilgrims series to the publisher, so now I am between works.
Time to take a little break and enjoy the holidays!
9.) Where can people find your books? Among other places: Amazon.com, Barnes and Nobles, Createspace, Whiskey Creek Press.
I bought your book, Katya and Cyrus, on Amazon.
About Me
As a native of Chicago, Illinois, I have always possessed a romance with things of the past that are gone but not forgotten. I now live in the suburbs with my lovely wife, two dogs and four canaries.
Among my influences are: Richard Matheson, Jack Finney, Dean Koontz, Joan Wester Anderson, Peter S. Beagle and Audrey Neffenegger.
Katya and Cyrus (Time Pilgrims) is the first of an exciting new series that will be treasured and loved by teens as well as adults.
Katya and Cyrus Time Pilgrims
Parallel Roads (Lost on Route 66)
Coming Soon:
Time Pilgrims (Almost Yesterday)
Thanks for participating in this author interview and giveaway event, Dennis. It was a joy having you as guest author today!
-Virginia Wright
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