Interview with Illustrator and Author, Tracy Campbell

Hi everyone, thanks for stopping by my blog! It is my pleasure to introduce to you my friend, and an awesome Artist, Illustrator, and Author, Tracy Campbell. Tracy is displaying her whimsical illustrations on greeting cards for us today, as well as on the cover of a book she has written.

Please read through the interview as it will reveal what her giveaway is, and what she wants from you as a commenter! Hint: Tickle her fancy.


Tracy Campbell is a published writer and artist, sells greeting cards, and writes for children, tweens, and teens. With the help of her wacky butterfly and pooch muses, she blogs about topics that appeal to parents and pet-lovers. Tracy lives with her husband in an 1841 farmhouse nestled high on a hill in Ontario, Canada.




You write and you also illustrate. Please tell us a little bit about what type of art and design you do?

I’d love to, Virginia. I sharpen pencils, flip open paint lids, and yank off marker caps so I can draw and paint whimsical works of art.

Signs of a true artist.

With that said, please tell us where the inspiration comes from when illustrating?

I’m inspired by all things warm and fuzzy and objects that reflect country living—things like teddy bears, spinning wheels, crock pots, braided rugs, and farm animals. I get my ideas from reading country decorating magazines, browsing gift and antique shops, and from photographs. When I’m hired by a client, they request a theme and that’s when my wacky imagination runs wild. When I write, pictures usually form in my mind.

That is quite an awesome imagination!

How long have you been writing/illustrating?

I seriously began illustrating in 1997, but didn’t begin writing until the fall of 2009.

Your illustrations are absolutely beautiful!

Could you tell us about your latest book or about your illustrations? Where they can be purchased?

I hope you’ll indulge me just for a moment because I’d like to mention both.

Yes, of course!

I’m on the hunt for an agent to represent my unique diaper bag-sized record-keeping book.

I wish you all the best with finding an agent.

Our Story—You & Me will appeal to mommies and expectant mommies who want to capture the milestones of their baby’s first year. The book is sprinkled with quaint quotes and brimming with quirky rhymes that mirror my whimsical works of art. And what makes the book unique is that it elevates a record book to an early-reader storybook a mom can read to her child in the years to follow.

Unique, indeed.








And, of course, I sell my one-of-a-kind greeting cards, created from my original paintings, on my Whimsical Online Shop.








Where online can people find you?

You can find me on my website, on my Wacky World of Writing blog, and on LinkedIn.

My website –

My blog –

LinkedIn –

Virginia, thank you so much for taking the time to interview me. As a small token of my appreciation, I’d like to give away five cards to two of your readers for leaving comments that will make me laugh.

Thank you, Tracy.  I appreciate you stopping by and letting us learn a little bit more about you, your art, and writings. Thank you for your generous giveaway.

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