Week 5 – Dec. 2,2012 Guest Author | Lisa K. Winkler Interview & Giveaway


Hello everyone! Thank you for stopping by my blog for the fifth week of “Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways.”  There is one more week, next Sunday, that I will have two more author interviews, so please show your support and stop on by. Then, the week after that, December 16, is my release party for… The Christmas Secret, which will be an “online” party. You can stay in the comfort of your own home,  and visit my blog, anytime that day.  I’m giving away a few copies of my book, and one commenter will receive a grand prize that will be revealed just before the party begins. Don’t forget, you must comment to enter the giveaway.  Now on to the interview this week…Please join me in welcoming Lisa K. Winkler, my guest author today!
-Virginia Wright

Lisa K. Winkler is the author of On the Trail of the Ancestors: A Black Cowboy’s Ride Across America. She worked as newspaper reporter before becoming a teacher, and writes for professional journals, Education Update, JerseyMan, and study guides for Penguin Books. Two essays have been published in book anthologies, one for Wisdom of Our Mothers (Familia Books) and the other in College Search and Parent Rescue: Essays for Parents by Parents of College-Going Students (St. Martin’s Press). She taught middle school Language Arts for more than 15 years and served as a literacy consultant in Newark, New Jersey. She lives in Summit, New Jersey, and has three children and three grandchildren. She loves cycling, knitting, yoga, cooking, travel, theater and museums. Lisa is the founder of Chestnut Hill Press, which published Tangerine Tango: Women Writers Share Slices of Life. She blogs at www.cyclingrandma.wordpress.com and her website is www. lisakwinkler.com.

I’d like to thank Virginia Wright, https://www.virginiawright.com/blog for inviting me to the Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways Event.

You are quite welcome, Lisa! I’m happy to have you as guest author today!

1. What is the working title of your book?

I just self –published  Tangerine Tango: Women Writers Share Slices of Life.

Tangerine Tango is such an interesting title.

2. Where did the idea come from for the book?

When I reached my blog’s year anniversary, I had the idea to compile my blog into a book. But that didn’t seem like enough so I   invited several writers, mostly other bloggers  I had befriended through blogging, to join the project. Along the way, a couple other writers contributed too.

Without giving the writers any themes, I received submissions that span the entire citrus spectrum, from sour to sweet.  Inside there are poems and essays about parents, families, jobs, food, and memories.

That is a great idea!

3. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Ha, ha. Some of my writers and I have joked about this- who we want to play us.  I have Meryl Streep on speed dial after I get the call from Stephen Spielberg.

Great choices, I wish you luck with that.

4. What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?

Slices of life by women!

Great synopsis!

5. Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

I self-published via CreateSpace. However I’ve had some issues this time (this is my second book). They seem to not be able to get the printing correct. I’ve received books that are about ¼ inch longer than others and the interior, which has some artist touches, is also not done correctly. It’s taking a lot of time and phone calls to try to rectify the problems.

CS is generally very pleasant to work with, hang in there. I’m sure they will eventually satisfy your situation.

6. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

I asked writers to submit works within July. By mid-August, I had a working draft and I went back and forth to about 20 drafts with my book designer. The book was submitted by the end of September. I did edit the pieces for length and clarity. A blog post isn’t necessarily a stand alone essay. I loved working with the writers on their pieces.

Wow! That was awesomely quick.

7. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

This is a perfect gift book. It fits in a purse or jacket pocket and the entries are short to read and then put down and pick up another time.

What a great gift idea!

8. What inspired you to write the book? I certainly was inspired by the other writers.  They were so excited to be part of the project and I feel as if I now have a new group of wonderful friends. The proceeds from the sales will be donated to fight Huntington’s Disease. One of the writers lost her mother to the disease this year.

What a wonderful cause to give the proceeds to.







Thank you Lisa for stopping by, we enjoyed your interview.


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