Indie and Proud …. Dennis Higgins

                 Dennis Higgins                                

I met Author Dennis Higgins a couple of years ago online at one of the popular social media sites. We soon found out we had a few things in common besides writing. Both our sisters passed too soon, and we immediately adopted one another as virtual siblings. 

Some years before this I met another Author, Launa McNeilly, we adopted one another as sisters. I am extremely grateful that I have gained such valuable relationships along my writing journey. 

There are other friends that I have met online, that it seems as if we have known each other for years–they know who they are.  

Now, more about this great Time-Travel writer….

Dennis Higgins is a distant relative of Davy Crockett, is a world traveler and native of Chicago, Illinois.  He says that he has  always possessed a romance with things of the past that are gone but not forgotten.  He now lives in the suburbs with his lovely wife, one dog and a couple of birds.

Among his influences are: Richard Matheson, Jack Finney, Dean Koontz, Joan Wester Anderson, Peter S. Beagle and Audrey Neffenegger. 

Dennis Higgins is the author of  The Time Pilgrims books  and they are part of a series for the YA and adult reading audience. 

1.) Katya and Cyrus (Time Pilgrims Book 1) 

2.) Almost Yesterday (Time Pilgrims Book 2)

3.) Tomorrow’s Borrowed Trouble

4.  Parallel Roads (Lost on Route 66)

He is also author of Steampunk Alice – a Novella. The cover is illustrated by me (Virginia Wright). I had never  read a Time-Travel book before Steampunk Alice. Oh, my gosh–I love it! It held my attention from page one!Steampunk Alice Cover1_8 Copyright 2014 Virginia Wright 679x1024

The cover that I illustrated for Dennis Higgins book, Steampunk Alice, just made finals at’s 2014 Cover Contest. Excited! Excited, both for the author, Dennis Higgins, and for myself as an illustrator of the cover. 

The cover contest voting will begin on Sunday, December 14, 2014 until December 21, 2014 PST. At the web site. Click on Cover Contest.

 Dennis’s latest release is: Tomorrow’s Borrowed Trouble, this author certainly has been cranking out book after book the last year and two. He is a super inspiration to me as a writer. 

Wishing you all the best on your latest release. Many happy sales!!

Tomorrow's Borrowed Trouble

Tomorrow’s Borrowed Trouble




You can find Dennis Higgins here:

Web Site:

New Release! Wild Animal Sounds by Virginia Wright

I’m so excited!!!! It has been a very long work in progress, but finally I am happy to announce my new book release coming…. On November 27th, 2014. Wild Animal Sounds for early learners just discovering sounds. 

Rhonda Patton, Author, and marketing expert is hosting me for my pre-release party now through November 25th on Facebook. Go often to see what is being given away. During this time frame Rhonda will be giving away 6 copies of my eBook, 2 Paperback copies, and a $25 Amazon gift card. On the 25th, she will be giving away three 0f these prizes, but you must participate in her questions and comment to win. You can read more about Rhonda here. Find her on Facebook too! 

Pre-order eBook Now! $2.99 

Description: Wild Animal Sounds is an interactive picture book, cleverly designed with simple text and a phrased paragraph pattern to help teach children sounds. Not only is this a great learning experience for your pre-schooler, it also provides an ideal opportunity for parents and caregivers to bond with their child in a fun yet educational way. Relive your childhood by taking an imaginary tour of the jungle! Rawr, Gr-aaaaa-ah, G-r-r-r-r-r, like a bear, MMM-ow and Psshhh, like the tallest of giraffes before hunkering down and howling like a coyote: Rup-rup-rup-aroo

While introducing your child to some of the most popular animals in the wild and the funny sounds they make, Wild Animal Sounds will help them develop a sound, word, and picture association. 

Wild Animal Sounds is a perfect fit for children who are just learning to talk. 

Cover Front_Final_14_3

Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do selected as the Indie Book of the Day & ‘for life’ feature post

Indie Book of the Day_BuzzzzzzzzBuzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do has been selected as the Indie Book of the Day Award winner for 7th of August, 2014. As a result, my book is currently featured on the IBD homepage for the entire day today until 8-10 am US CDT the next day. The book has also been added to their winners database ( and a ‘for life’ feature post has been created, which can be viewed here:

BUY Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do, Now!  

HONEYBEES ARE AMAZING CREATURES, for they are insects that provide us with ThumbnailImage_Buzzzzzzzzgolden sweet food known as– honey. Learn the basics about honeybees, where and how they live. This is an educational, non-fiction book, for adults and children. Teachers, use Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do as a honeybee primer in the classroom– it is easy to understand and answers the questions: 

  • Do all honeybees sting? 
  • What do they do with pollen?
  • How do they make honey? 
  • What is pollination? 
  • Does all honey look and taste alike? 
  • What can we do to benefit the bees? 
  • What kind of flowers do honeybees prefer? 

With over 2,000 words packed in this small 26 page book, Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do, can be used in conjunction with other school curriculum in the classroom to teach children about honeybees. Real photographs of the honeybees, comb, hives, flowers, and even one of a bee’s tongue!

Indie Book of the Day_Buzzzzzzzz August 7 2014

It is, “International Lipstick Day!” What is your favorite color?

International Lipstick Day


It is, International Lipstick Day…. What is your favorite color? Mine is deep pink.  As long as I can remember, I have worn lipstick. I do wear, red lipstick, on occasion even though deep pink is my favorite color–but it depends on what I wear. For my skin tone, I feel a deep pink is the best color for me, and is why, I say  it is my ‘favorite’ color. :-)

Years ago, before the long lasting lipsticks were on the market, lip prints would end up on the edge of my coffee cup, on my teeth, and eventually… Wearing off to pale lips, (I hated that). I don’t know about other lipstick wearers, but  I don’t feel dressed unless I am wearing my lipstick. :-) 

What about you? Tell me your lipstick story.

Kiss_1_3 Copyright 2014 Virginia Wright

S.W.A.K. & Hugs, 

-Virginia Wright


Where is the best place in a kitchen to store honey?

Pure Honey Made by       The Honeybees

Pure Honey Made by
The Honeybees

My dear friend, Kat, that I met back in the late 1970’s when we both lived in Italy…. Messaged me on Facebook yesterday with a great question. So, great–I thought I would create a blog post for The Recipe Weekly.  For those of you who don’t know, I have a little hobby, I participate in the caring of honeybees, and we have one Langstroth hive in the back yard. In our family, we prefer ANAP beekeeping.  With ANAP, as natural as possible,  no chemicals, ever go in our beehive to treat mites or other diseases honeybees can get.  The reason that is, is because, we feel that honeybees should know how to care for themselves, they did fine without us for millions of years, taking in pollen and nectar, building comb, and surviving winters and inclement weather–and well, that is another whole new blog post. So, without further ado, on with the Q & A. 

By the way, thanks Kat from California, for the great question!!! It has helped me write this blog post. 

Q: Where is the best place in a kitchen to store honey to prolong its shelf life?

A: The best place in the kitchen to store honey is…. Anywhere in the food cabinet! I do have a ‘but’ to add to that answer, please read on…

Yes, we 
keep our honey in the food cabinet in the kitchen,  and because we are caretakers of honeybees, we do have extra honey from time to time, and place our honey in pint size, wide mouth canning jars, to store.  

Here comes the but

But, where you are storing your honey in the kitchen does matter, Kat, ‘if ‘ you store honey in a refrigerator.  Because, if you do, it just accelerates crystallization. Buying several jars of honey from a local beekeeper? Storing honey on the upper shelves in your food cabinet, or  pantry, is a safer bet. This will prevent any access to colder temperatures from lower shelves, especially in the winter–and the possibility of accelerated crystallization. This would be also true for people who have un-insulated cellars, or basements. If it freezes, keep the honey where it won’t–or you will just end up with crystallized honey sooner than you want.

We have been beekeeping for several years, the last time we took honey off, about 3 years ago, we got 36 pint size jars of pure golden honey. Because our family got smaller over the years, believe it or not, we still had two jars of honey left over this year when we took honey off again. Over time, one of the two jars crystallized. I’ve included a photograph of that below.Crystallized Honey

Crystallized Honey 

Honey will sugar, (crystallize) sometimes, but there is no worry if that happens, you can take a deep pan with warm to hot water (not boiling, and by no means, not over 160 degrees) and that is to maintain honey’s pure and natural properties, and to not pasteurize it. Once you have your hot water prepared, submerge your bottle of honey in it, if you have the time, you can stir inside the jar until it liquidfy’s (decrystallize’s) again–however, if you just let the jar sit in the water, it will decrystallize over time, in the warm water without stirring. You can repeat the process of warming the water, until your honey is completely decrystallized

Caution: Do not set a jar of crystallized honey in a hot boiling pan to ‘cook.’ Turn off the hot boiling water first, and place the jar in warm to hot water–with the heat turned off under the pan. 

VIRGINIA WRIGHT is author of:  Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do 

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