Week 4 – Nov. 28,2012 Guest Author | Mario Joseph Cardarelli

Author Mario Cardarelli was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. He loves children of all ages. Mario has volunteered in a variety of ways with children. Mario has mentored them and has worked in pre-schools, day camps, and hospitals just to mention a few. His books are based not only on experiences, but, the talents of all the children within their communities and what they have to offer. He sends out to the readers, worldwide issues/ messages in his books. He also, writes about children’s dreams, and fantasies. Mario writes adult books as well as, children’s books. Mario speaks out for children, and mentors them. Mario Cardarelli is now a full time published Writer/Author/Publisher. As well as helping others.

Welcome! Mario, I’m so happy that you are joining this event “Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways.” Thank you so much for taking the time to come talk to us about your book. I wanted to thank you for your generous offer to give away a few copies of  your books to commenters of this blog.

With that said, let’s get on with your interview!


1. What is the working title of your book?
” Bitten By Darkness.”

2. Where did the idea come from for the book?
The idea or concept, came from, a true event that happened to a lady that was related to my mom.

3. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
I would like to have, Kirsten Dunst play “Anna,” My main character, and for the Master Vampire, Colin Farrell.

4. What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
She is given the opportunity to live again by a fatal bite by the master of the vampires. He is the only vampire who is left alive and has the desire and the power to create his family of darkness.

5. Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I am going to have my book, self published

6. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
It took me 3 months to write the first draft, and come up with a original concept with a twist.

7. What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
If i had to compare this book, ( and i dont like comparing )  I would say, ” Twilight.” with a twist and even Stephen King.

8. Who or What inspired you to write this book?
In a word, teenagers, children, they love a good vampire story. I go straight to the source for ideas.

Thanks so much for stopping by, and a Big Thank you to https://www.virginiawright.com/blog

You are welcome! Thank you for the interview. -Virginia

Blog: http://mjcpublishing.weebly.com/

Week 4 Nov. 25, 2012 Guest Author | Eric VanRaepenbusch Interview & Giveaway











Week 4 November 25, 2012 Guest Author | Eric VanRaepenbusch

Welcome! Eric, I’m so happy that you are joining this event “The Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways.” Thank you so much for taking the time to come talk to us about your books.

I also wanted to thank you for your generous offer to give away a couple copies of  your books to commenter’s of this blog. What a wonderful Christmas gift to our winners!

Eric and I met online about two years ago, another author told me about his blog: http://www.happybirthdayauthor.com/ where authors are celebrated on their birthday. BTW, awesome idea Eric. I contacted Eric, and he scheduled an interview with me.  So, I felt it was only fitting, to reciprocate, and interview Eric as he has been super busy and turned out a book or two of his own. Please join me in welcoming author and illustrator of  four books titled Three Ghost Friends series, Eric VanRaepenbusch.

With that said, I will let Eric tell you more…



Author Bio:

Eric VanRaepenbusch is a stay-at-home dad, blogger, and read aloud extraordinaire. He creates memorable reading experiences by celebrating children’s author and illustrator birthdays. His blog, Happy Birthday Author, shares his family’s reading experiences to encourage other families to read together. A speech pathologist and mother of three boys described his Three Ghost Friends series as, ”This series is a must-have for a child’s library! Learn About Colors is the perfect length and uses predictable text, which keeps little ones engaged. The subject of mixing colors is now ingrained in my kids’ heads as a result of Three Ghost Friends!”

1. When did you publish your first book?

I published Three Ghost Friends: Learn About Colors as an eBook at the Apple iBookstore for iPad, iPhone, and iPodTouch in January 2012. It became available for Kindle in August 2012.  Then, in September 2012, I was so pleased to have a print version of the book available on Amazon!


2. Could you give us a description of what the book is about?

Three Ghost Friends: Learn About Colors begins with the Three Ghost Friends eating a strawberry, banana, and a blueberry. One ghost friend turns red, another turns yellow, and the third ghost friend turns blue.  Initially, they are quite shocked to be primary colors, but quickly realize it is quite fun! The Three Ghost Friends have fun until something unexpected happens while the ghosts are playing (I’ll give you a hint. It has something to do with color mixing and secondary colors). The Three Ghost Friends learn that mixing colors can be fun too, but all the playing makes them very tired! In the end, the Three Ghost Friends think of a way to change back to white and keep smiles on their faces.


3. What was the feeling like when you held your published book in your hand for the first time?

It was a big accomplishment.  For years, I had been celebrating and admiring children’s authors and illustrators on my blog, Happy Birthday Author. I saw how each author’s books made an impact on my children as I read to them before bedtime.  I made it my goal to publish a children’s book that families could experience together. To be honest, I was nervous when I published my books. Lots of questions went through my head – Would parents buy my book? Would they like it? I will never forget when parents sent me videos on Facebook of them reading my books with their children. It felt so awesome to know that a child enjoyed something that I created.


4. Please tell us about your latest book? Where can viewers purchase it?

There are now four Three Ghost Friends books available as eBooks and print books. In addition to the Three Ghost Friends: Learn About Colors there is Three Ghost Friends: Learn About Opposites, Three Ghost Friends: Learn About Shapes, and a Halloween book that did quite well, Three Ghost Friends: Learn About the ABCs – Halloween Edition.


All of these books can be purchased on Amazon in print or as eBooks for the Kindle. The print books qualify for Amazon’s 4-for-3 promotion which allows you to get the whole series at a significant discount!


Three Ghost Friends eBooks are also available at the Apple iBookstore for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch.

5. Where online can people find you?

You can find out more about the Three Ghost Friends series at www.threeghostfriends.com.  Available on the website are over 50 activities and printables for toddlers and preschoolers. The materials can be used before, during, and after reading all the Three Ghost Friends books and they are all FREE of charge!


Three Ghost Friends is also on Facebook and Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/ThreeGhostFriends


I also have a very popular Three Ghost Friends Pinterest Board that is loaded with tons of Ghost related food, crafts, and fun!



Virginia, thank you so much for the interview! I am so excited for your latest book too!

Thank you , Eric! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed having you here. I wish you much success with your books. Happy Sales!









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Week- 4 November 25, 2012 Guest Author | Launa McNeilly Interview & Giveaway











Week 4 – Nov. 25, 2012  Guest Author | Launa McNeilly

Welcome! Launa, I’m so happy that you are joining this event “Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways.” Thank you so much for taking the time to come talk to us about your book. I wanted to thank you for your generous offer to give away a few copies of  your ebooks to commenters of this blog.

A couple of years ago I met Launa online, at an Amazon forum for Maine Writers. She came back with a big warm welcome! I was born and raised in Maine, but was living in Ohio at the time–We started chatting online through various author circles and stayed in touch. When I moved back to Maine in 2011, it wasn’t long before we had our first personal meeting and luncheon. I already knew we had a bond…I’m certain it wasn’t just because we were both authors, or for us both being Mainers.  Truly I feel that there was a higher power that intervened that day at Amazon to make our paths cross, because soon Launa became family to me. I love her dearly, and I know you will too!  It was important for me to do this interview with Launa, because she truly is an amazing writer!  Please help me in welcoming her to my blog…Give it up for LAUNA MCNEILLY AUTHOR. **Hands clapping-crowd cheering!**

With that said Launa, let’s get on with your interview.


Launa McNeilly Author

1.)   What led you to become an author? I had a story in my head and needed to write it.

2.)   What genre do you write? I write fictional drama/ mystery and paranormal.

3.)  When you write, do you prefer silence or do you like to listen to music or the television? I have written while the TV is on but much prefer silence. Though when the scenes are playing in my head, it doesn’t matter what is going on around me, as the focus is the writing.

4.) Do you have a particular place you prefer to write? I always write in my recliner. I’m comfortable and I can concentrate on  getting the story typed onto my laptop.

5.)  How long did it take you to write your first book? My first book was quick because I had it in my head for so long. It took me three months to write it, but as writers know, in creating a book it’s usually the easy part of the process.

6.)  Where do you get your inspirations from to write? My inspiration for writing comes from the characters that seem to pop into my head and when I listen to them, a story is born.

7.)  Can you describe the feeling you had when you held your first published book? The day I opened the box to see my first novel in book form was unbelievable. I held it, smelled it, opened it, closed it, and stared at the cover with my name on it. I won’t say it was as much a miracle as holding my newborns, but it was close.

8.) What book are you currently working on? I am working now on the third book in my Cami Series, but have finished my fourth book, “In The Shadows Of Boston” which is now in the editing phase and I hope to have it out by the end of the year at the latest.

9.) Please give us a brief synopsis of your newest WIP. I will give you the first chapter of   ” In The Shadows of Boston by Launa McNeilly .” I hope you like it.

10.) Where can people find your books? My books are listed at most online bookstores in paper book or ebook.

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Launa-McNeilly/e/B002W05XWQ/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1351623358&sr=8-1

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/launamcneilly

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/launa.mcneilly

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Week-3 November 18, 2012 Guest Author | Sarah Bowman Interview & Giveaway



Week 3 – Nov. 11, 2012  Guest Author | Sarah Bowman

Welcome! Sarah, I’m so happy that you are joining this event “The Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways.” Thank you so much for taking the time to come talk to us about your book.

I also wanted to thank you for your generous offer to give away a few copies of  your books to comenters of this blog. What a wonderful Christmas gift to our winners! With that said, let’s get on with the interview.


1. When did you publish your first book? I published my first book two years ago with a traditional publisher. The Lord had laid it on my heart to write a book, I was struggling with some personal issues, at the time, and really felt I had no one to talk to. So I spoke to God, after the book was finished I actually felt a healing from bitterness that was being held inside of me. My first book will always remain my favorite. It was a great accomplishment. It can be found through all online retailers. Or can be purchased directly from me, Writing is magical.

-Writing does have a way of healing, Sarah.

2. You write and illustrate. Could you please tell us a little bit, about what type of art you do?

Yes, I began illustrating my own children’s books, and realized quickly that I loved it.  I do all kinds of art, but focus on very bright colors and fun characters, I do things a little different, my illustrations are very unique.

What makes my illustration’s unique is― I use so many bright colors and also mix reality with fantasy. I use many tools and props, where the characters jump out at you.

I have done many illustrations for Publishing Companies and Authors, I also illustrate my own children’s books that are also available on Amazon.

Liddys Lovely Lime Lollipop

Liddy Goes To The Country

Liddy Learns Up Down and All Around

Liddy Meets The Doctor.

My plan is to write a twelve book series. I am currently working on  Liddy And The Big Bad Tooth.

-That sounds like a great idea for a story!

I have done illustrations for:

Author Reba Hicks

Mossy The Green Turtle

The Christmas Mystery

A Trip To Uncle Jrs’

Author Francine Larson

Louella Who Only Liked Yellow

Bringing Home Jerome

Author Maggie Grinnell

Isabella And Penelope

I am currently working on a series for Author Cheryl Pillsbury

Dash The Red Fox Detective.

Those are a few I have done work for.  If you would like to see samples of my work please visit


I offer very flexible payment plans. All covers start at 50.00 and 15.00 per illustration until the month of January!

-You are a prolific writer. I have a long way catching up with you.

3. How did illustrating come about for you? After my first children’s book became live, I started showing pictures of the work inside, and people really liked it. Then they began to ask me if I did other’s illustrations, so I gave it a try, and now have done so many illustrations and covers for publishing companies and also independent Authors.

– I’ve seen some of your illustrations, you do great work!

4. Could you tell us about your latest book? Where can viewers purchase it? My latest book is a children’s story. (Liddy Meets The Doctor.) It is about a trip to the doctor’s office, It can be purchased through Amazon.  


-Congrats! On your latest children’s story. I wish you all the best with it!





5. Where online can people find you? I advertise mostly on  my Facebook pages http://www.facebook.com/SarahBowmanauthor and also  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dream-Free-Bowmans-Illustrations/329985960420188?ref=hl


-That was a great interview, Sarah. Thank you for being Guest Author on my blog.

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Week 2 – Nov. 11, 2012 Guest Author | Catherine Wolffe Interview & Giveaway

Virginia Wright Blog Author Interviews Week 2 – Nov. 11, 2012  Guest Author | Catherine Wolffe

Welcome! Catherine, I’m so happy that you are joining this event “The Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways.” Thank you so much for taking the time to come talk to us about your book.

I also wanted to thank you for your generous offer to give away 5 ebook copies of The Lady in the Mist–to five lucky commenters of this blog. What a wonderful Christmas gift to our winners! With that said, let’s get on with the interview.



Catherine Wolffe enjoys writing romance. She loves experimenting with the genres and her latest book reflects a blending of the traditional western romance with paranormal elements. Dabbling in time travel, fantasy, as well as the paranormal, she mixes elements of the other-worldly with solid historical figures. Showcasing cowboys, Indians, strong-willed women and steamy romance is her passion. In her romances, her heroines have a mind of their own, while her heroes have hearts of gold. All her characters follow their dreams, because without them, there wouldn’t be a story. Her latest release, The Lady in the Mist, The Western Werewolf Legend is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Sony, I Tunes and Smashwords.com.  A free excerpt of The Lady in the Mist is available as well. The Western Werewolf Legend will continue with the release of Waking up Dead in the spring of 2013.


1.)  What led you to become an author?

Life is full of changes; it’s a constant we all deal with.  So, when I lost my 9 to 5 job seven years ago, I decided to go into business for myself.  Tired of answering to someone else, I wanted to be my own boss.  Out of that experience, I came to understand I had the power to do anything I set my mind to do.  I’ve always been an avid reader and in a conversation with my sister, we weighed the question of how hard could it be to write your own novel?  What a revelation the answer turned out to be!  Another constant in life is that you’re always learning.  So the journey continues as seven years later and three books published, I find myself exploring the possibilities of writing every day.

2.)          What genre do you write?

You’re taught to write about the things you love as well as those that interest you.  I gained my love for westerns and the old west from my mom who used to go to the theater on Saturdays with her dad and watch Rory Rogers and Dale Evans get the bad guys.  I also love a good scare, so I combine the two for a romantic “get the bad guy story”.

3.)     When you write, do you prefer silence or do you like to listen to music or the television?

Since writing is such an escape for me, I enjoy the quiet when I write.  The characters in my head do not like having to talk over the TV.

4.)     Do you have a particular place you prefer to write?

I have an office on the second floor of my home however my cats think my laptop is a heating pad, so I set up my writing world in the corner of my bedroom on a TV tray.

5.)      How long did it take you to write your first book?

(Insert laughter here)  I think I’m going to write about the writing of Comanche Haven sometime in the future because it’s a whole story unto itself.  So much happened during the first book’s journey, from the writer learning how to write, to rewrites, to distractions/family life, to more rewrites, to finally winning a contest, to edits on top of edits, to finally seeing Comanche Haven in print and soon to be out in paperback.  (insert a sigh here)  The novel is epic for that reason alone!

6.)         Where do you get your inspirations from to write?

Everywhere!  I love watching people in everyday life.  So much is learned by absorbing from one’s surroundings.  Plus, I do a lot of brainstorming with my sister, who’s also an author.  She is so important to my work, I feel like we are a team.

7.)          What book are you currently working on? 

The Lady in the Mist, The Western Werewolf Legend.

8.)  Please give us a brief synopsis of your newest WIP.

Waking Up Dead, the second installment in the Western Werewolf Legend series, continues the story of Sonja and Ty as they discover the secrets to their special gifts.  Struggling to outwit the vampires who want to annihilate Sonja and Ty, the couple explore their new werewolf powers in ways they never imagined.  Sonja comes face to face with a shocking discovery from her past, while Ty faces the most difficult decision of his life.  Follow their journey as they seek to discover the answer to the question – “What does one do when one discovers they’re a werewolf in love?”

9.)       Where can people find your books?

All my books are available at Amazon  http://tinyurl.com/9ff6h4j

Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/181516

as well as Barnes & Noble, Apple and Sony.

You can reach Catherine at –




“Feel free to stop by anytime,” Catherine Wolffe

Thank you, Catherine!

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