Week 6 – Dec. 9, 2012 An Interview & Giveaway With Author | Joe Landers

Hello everyone! Thank you for stopping by my blog for the sixth week of “Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways.”  There is one more week of the event, next Sunday, when you will read an interview with “me,” and you will comment for a chance to win books, and a grand prize that I’m giving away. (I will reveal the grand prize closer to next Sunday)! Mark your calenders for December 16, as this is my release party for… “The Christmas Secret,” which will be an “online” party. You can stay in the comfort of your own home,  and visit my blog anytime that day.  Don’t forget, you must comment to enter the giveaway.  I will resume normal blogging after the event. However, I already have interviews scheduled for 2013.  Now on to this weeks interview…Joe Landers and I met online, just as so many of us authors do. Please join me in welcoming Joe as my guest author today!

-Virginia Wright

1. What led you to become an author? The idea of me becoming an author stemmed from a conversation I had with a co-worker who had published a novel.  As we talked I became more preoccupied with the ideal of writing and realized that I had several ideas in my head that would make wonderful stories.  I found writing as a way of releasing those inner thoughts and turn them into a positive message.

2. What genre do you write? I write fiction but I lean more toward Christian fiction.  At this point I have kept my books clean, with a little violence to make them entertaining and suspenseful.

3. When you write, do you prefer silence or do you like to listen to music or the television? I like to have the television on with the volume very low. I usually have some kind of ballgame on, preferably baseball because it is very slow paced and the announcers stay calm most of the time.

4. Do you have a particular place you prefer to write? I prefer to write in my bedroom because that is where my television is located and it is quiet most of the time.

5. How long did it take you to write your first book?  I wrote the first book in about three months.6. Where do you get your inspirations from to write?  Some from life experiences, hearing people around me talk about the issues they are facing as well as their concerns but most come from the news media.

7. Can you describe the feeling you had when you held your first published book? I was proud of the book.  I stared at it for several minutes in disbelief at what I had accomplished.  There was also relief that the journey I had taken was finely over.8. What book at you currently working on?   I’m working on a medical murder mystery titled Intravenous. The process with this book has been long but if we stay on track it should be released in early 2013.9. Please give us a brief synopsis of your newest WIP.

Synopsis of Intravenous

When a patient at Westbrook Medical Center died from mysterious causes, Ted Maxwell, Patient Safety Officer, is called to investigate the cause of death.  As he examines the body, he discovers an irregularity with the patient’s IV which could indicate foul play.While looking into the case another patient dies mysteriously, leading Ted to suspect that someone is targeting Westbrook’s patients.As the investigation continued, Hanna Johns, Chief Nursing Officer, approaches Ted and cautions him to keep the murders quiet in hopes of saving the hospital’s image.  However, with the murders continuing to rise, Ted had to invoke the help of his friend, Detective Mark Stone from the Westbrook Police Department and ignore the request from the hospital’s administrative staff.With each clue, Ted becomes more concerned because they suggest that someone in the hospital is involved with the murders.After going over each murder, Ted discovers a pattern in the killings and he and Mark sat a trap.10. Where can people find your books?  They can be found at almost any on line book store such as Amazon, Books A Million, Barnes and Noble.  At this point they are not being sold in any stores.


Joseph J Landers was born in 1962 in rural Alabama.  He’s married with 4 kids.  While pursuing his nursing degree, he studied English composition and American literature.  After several years of nursing, his interest in writing continued to grow and he began to focus his attention toward developing good clean novels.  He has two published books, Our Deadly Sins and Drug Revenge.

Thanks Joe for being guest author today!

-Virginia Wright

Comments are now open!


16 thoughts on “Week 6 – Dec. 9, 2012 An Interview & Giveaway With Author | Joe Landers

  1. What an interesting interview! This area of writing has sparked my interest as I have never read this type of book before! Mystery books I enjoy as the ending is never what you would expect! What depth the author has and thus, what good stories he will write! Thank you for this interview Virginia!

  2. Joe, just read your interview with Virginia. I am so glad to see a Christian writer who
    writes clean books! I so enjoy reading and some of the books out there I have started and they get so bad I have to delete them after reading just a few pages. I have a kindle and I love love to read. I prefer books over t.v. My husband will watch tv and I will sit and read!!! I cannot wait to check out your books! Keep writing! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!! Nancy

  3. Thanks so much for stopping by for Joe’s interview, Nancy. Writing can be a lonely spot in life sometimes….so when folks stand up and give a shout-out to us authors, it is very special. We appreciate your support. I agree with you on enjoy writers who write clean books! Merry Christmas to you and your family! -Virginia

  4. Joe, your books sounds so exciting! Your synopsis has me wanting for more! Your books sound serious but keeping them clean adds integrity. Thank you both for this wonderful interview.

  5. Karen Phillips Thanks for the response. I enjoy writing and hope you’ll enjoy reading my work as well as I enjoy creating it.

  6. Dennis, Thanks for your comment. I want everyone to enjoy my books without being offended by them.

  7. Nancy, my wife has head the same problem as you and that is why I concentrate my efforts in creating a good mystery without using bad language or situations that should be kept private between a man and a women.

  8. Kathy W. My new book Intravenous should be released in early 2013. I hope you check it out when it’s available. Thanks for your comments.

  9. Your book sounds very interesting. I love a good murder/mystery!! Keeping them clean is a talent and I commend you for it. I wish you much success!

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