The Recipe Lady

Heirloom Recipes by Virginia WrightFor ten years, before authoring my books, I was the senior writer for Lowfat Weekly, a website, I founded. (If you’ve read my other blogs, then you are familiar with a post that told about why I closed down that website).  While working at Lowfat Weekly part of my job was recipe developer, and  included adapting recipes to healthier Low Fat versions. I LOVED that challenge! As a food blogger, I was known as “The Recipe Lady.” The problem I had was…READ THE REST OF THE BLOG

-Virginia Wright
Queen of Recipe Adaptation                                                                                                            The Recipe Weekly

Spring Pollinator Garden– Have You Planted Yours?

Aster © Virginia Wright

THE HONEYBEE – Isn’t it interesting to know, that the honeybee is an “Insect” that provide us with something that we can eat? It’s that golden, sweet, healthy for us food called—honey! With the disappearing honeybee population, our honey supplies are diminishing in the United States. This situation is called CCD or Colony Collapse Disorder: and researchers are trying to figure out reasons for honeybee disappearance; some say chemicals are at fault.

You can help the honeybee population by planting a flower garden with flowers that grow in your local area that honeybees like. I will list a few that I know of that are great fodder when these wonderful pollinators are foraging for food.




*Black-Eyed Susan

*Cone Flower

No matter what type flower plot you plant for the bees, don’t use chemicals on your garden…this could be detrimental (harmful) to these much needed pollinator’s.

Family Fun

Planting a flower garden for our greatest pollinator is an activity the whole family can participate in!

Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do by Virginia Wright