Author Reading

Peavey Memorial Library in Eastport, Maine was very kind in hosting my author read this month. I read my latest book release “Crying Bear, Yes Bears Cry Sometimes Too.” All children that attended the read received coloring sheets, crayons, stickers, and their choice of one of my books.

Machias News Observer reporter, Ruth Leubecker, sat in on the read and did an interview. A great article and photo went in the newspaper the following week. Many thanks go out to you Ruth for making the trip to Eastport, Maine to do a story on me!

Any school interested in hiring me to do an author visit please contact:

info [at] virginiawright [dot] com

I will be more than happy to go over my fee, and program.


Virginia Wright, Author



Author Visits Peavey Memorial Library in August

VIRGINIA WRIGHT, AUTHOR – will be attending a book reading and signing  hosted by Peavey Memorial Library in Eastport Maine on August 4th, 2011 at 1 p.m.

Crying Bear Yes Bears Cry Sometimes Too by Virginia Wright
Crying Bear by Virginia Wright

The book that will be showcased is Virginia’s soon to be 2nd edition of “Crying Bear, Yes Bears Cry Sometimes Too!” Wright will have copies of her book on hand for sale at $12.95, and will stay for an autograph session.

Hope to see you there!

26 Water Street

Eastport, Maine 04631

(207) 853-4021

ISBN-13: 978-1450587945

More about Peavey Memorial Library:

Spring Pollinator Garden– Have You Planted Yours?

Aster © Virginia Wright

THE HONEYBEE – Isn’t it interesting to know, that the honeybee is an “Insect” that provide us with something that we can eat? It’s that golden, sweet, healthy for us food called—honey! With the disappearing honeybee population, our honey supplies are diminishing in the United States. This situation is called CCD or Colony Collapse Disorder: and researchers are trying to figure out reasons for honeybee disappearance; some say chemicals are at fault.

You can help the honeybee population by planting a flower garden with flowers that grow in your local area that honeybees like. I will list a few that I know of that are great fodder when these wonderful pollinators are foraging for food.




*Black-Eyed Susan

*Cone Flower

No matter what type flower plot you plant for the bees, don’t use chemicals on your garden…this could be detrimental (harmful) to these much needed pollinator’s.

Family Fun

Planting a flower garden for our greatest pollinator is an activity the whole family can participate in!

Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do by Virginia Wright

Just Write!

Ever since I was a little girl you could find me with paper and pen in hand, writing poetry, haiku’s, and mostly writing anything that came  to mind. I read a post recently that asked if being a writer was something you were born with or if you could be taught to be a writer? I personally think there are naturals in most everything we do in life. Some are born with a natural ability to sing, and when they take voice lessons can perfect and hone their craft. Others are born with an artistic ability, and over time their illustrations get better and better. But I also believe someone who has never drawn could pick up a paint brush, and begin creating, and if they create often, will get better and better at it. The same goes for writing, writing what you know is fun, but it might not necessarily pay. So then pencils must be sharpened, and research needs to be done, in order to write something outside of our comfort zone.

No matter what we do in life, I’ve found, there will always be competitors, and someone who is always trying to make it to the finish line before you do. All we can do, is do our best– write in a genre that we believe we would enjoy, and you guessed it…just write!

Another rambling of Virginia Wright

Are parents really annoying?

Are parents really annoying?

After answering a question at Aol Answers, “Why are parents annoying?,” I decided to write this article.  My mother passed away four years ago, and I remember before she died when she would talk with me, she would pick up a lock of my hair, and sort of fumble with it. When I was a teenager, I hated it, totally annoyed me. But as I got older, I realized it was a form of love.  As she talked to me – fumbling with my hair, it was if she was filled with pride looking into my eyes. Trying to capture a moment from when I was young, and she’d sit me on her lap to comb my long hair.

Then when it came to advice, I honestly didn’t want to hear it. And I could never take corrective criticism. But again, as I matured, I listened to my mother– as I knew her words were spoken with years of wisdom.

Please don’t be annoyed by things your parents say or do. I honestly don’t think that parents “mean” to be annoying. If they offer up advice, it is meant
with good intentions.

Could it be that parents become annoying when one doesn’t like the advice given?

Happy Mother’s Day Everyone!

~Virginia Wright

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