“A Christmas to Remember is a sweet romance that will warm you up on a cold winter’s night.” -Ingrid Hall, writer of women’s contemporary fiction https://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Remember-Heartwarming-Medical-Romance/dp/B08HJ536Y2/

“A Christmas to Remember is a sweet romance that will warm you up on a cold winter’s night.” -Ingrid Hall, writer of women’s contemporary fiction https://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Remember-Heartwarming-Medical-Romance/dp/B08HJ536Y2/
In honor of World Photography Day, I take the opportunity to share my enthusiasm each year for photography through a few of my own photograph favorites that I have taken throughout my travels.
As a travel blogger, I focus on nature photography, including animals, bees, bugs, butterflies, insects, and other natural wonders. As a food enthusiast, I also capture photos of the delicious food finds I come across. One of my most popular photographs as a Level 8 Google Maps Contributor and Master Reviewer, with over 10 million views of my photographs, is of my lobster roll pic from Tracey’s Seafood, a small roadside takeout in Sullivan, Maine (with an impressive 247,457 views on Google Maps).
Lobster Rolls, Tracey’s Seafood, Sullivan, Maine
Please visit my Instagram Gallery: http://www.instagram.com/virginiabrownwright to look at a few of my personal favorites. I update as nature allows. Give me some love (Heart) if you like a photo, and I’d love to have you follow me.
-Virginia Wright, Author, Illustrator, & Nature Photographer
Author of Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do
In celebration of Cranberry Eyes, I’m giving away 2 copies of the paperback. For your chance to win, go to http://www.facebook.com/virginiabrownwright and please share why you want the book and then tag a friend who would also like it. At the end of the day, I will choose from the answers for the winner(s).
EXCITED!!! About my new book Cranberry Eyes, I hope you enjoy it. This is dedicated to my granddaughter. Lydi Lou loved visiting her Grandpa Bob every fall. A long-standing tradition in the family brought her to Maine at this particular time of the year. What did they love to do most during their visit? Grandpa Bob was so funny and made her laugh. He gave everyone in the family nicknames. Take your child on a memorable adventure to Sabao Lake with Lydi Lou and her beloved grandfather. You’ll learn why he names his granddaughter “Cranberry Eyes.” This endearing tale of nicknames can bring back nostalgic traditions from your childhood.
Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/Cranberry-Eyes-Childrens-grandfathers-granddaughter/dp/B09ZCQPMPY
eBook: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09ZNJPTL6
***READ FOR FREE WITH KindleUnlimited***
Cranberry Eyes by Virginia Wright
ISBN-13 : 979-8701257922Contact: virginia@virginiawright.com
Web: https://www.virginiawright.com
Books: http://www.virginiawrightbooks.com
Designs: http://www.virginiawrightdesigns.com
#cranberryeyes #virginiawright #childrensstorybook #bedtimestory #emotions #traditions #nicknames
My granddaughter, Lydi Lou, holding the book I wrote and dedicated to her.
I’m very excited about my next work in progress as it is an adorable children’s story about a granddaughter having an endearing nickname her grandfather has given her, but she doesn’t know why. While on her visit to her grandfather’s house in Maine, she decided she will find out why he has named her Cranberry Eyes.
The illustrations turned out well, and this story is dedicated to my granddaughter, Lydi Lou, who is now four years old. I’ve dedicated all my books to my grandchildren and my adult children. So, it is always fun for me when I am nearing the end of a new book and then finally get to present my grandchild the book dedicated to them.
My new children’s story has been edited, and the illustrations are complete. Cranberry Eyes by Virginia Wright American Author & Designer is coming soon somewhere around mid-May 2022.
-Virginia Wright
Look what I awoke to this morning, my book ‘A Christmas to Remember’ made #23 Amazon Best Seller in Medical Fiction. Thanks to all who bought my book! $0.99 eBook on Amazon. https://amazon.com/dp/B08FLZD2WT Available also in paperback.