Week 2 – Nov. 11, 2012 Guest Author | Catherine Wolffe
Welcome! Catherine, I’m so happy that you are joining this event “The Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways.” Thank you so much for taking the time to come talk to us about your book.
I also wanted to thank you for your generous offer to give away 5 ebook copies of The Lady in the Mist–to five lucky commenters of this blog. What a wonderful Christmas gift to our winners! With that said, let’s get on with the interview.

Catherine Wolffe enjoys writing romance. She loves experimenting with the genres and her latest book reflects a blending of the traditional western romance with paranormal elements. Dabbling in time travel, fantasy, as well as the paranormal, she mixes elements of the other-worldly with solid historical figures. Showcasing cowboys, Indians, strong-willed women and steamy romance is her passion. In her romances, her heroines have a mind of their own, while her heroes have hearts of gold. All her characters follow their dreams, because without them, there wouldn’t be a story. Her latest release, The Lady in the Mist, The Western Werewolf Legend is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Sony, I Tunes and Smashwords.com. A free excerpt of The Lady in the Mist is available as well. The Western Werewolf Legend will continue with the release of Waking up Dead in the spring of 2013.
1.) What led you to become an author?
Life is full of changes; it’s a constant we all deal with. So, when I lost my 9 to 5 job seven years ago, I decided to go into business for myself. Tired of answering to someone else, I wanted to be my own boss. Out of that experience, I came to understand I had the power to do anything I set my mind to do. I’ve always been an avid reader and in a conversation with my sister, we weighed the question of how hard could it be to write your own novel? What a revelation the answer turned out to be! Another constant in life is that you’re always learning. So the journey continues as seven years later and three books published, I find myself exploring the possibilities of writing every day.
2.) What genre do you write?
You’re taught to write about the things you love as well as those that interest you. I gained my love for westerns and the old west from my mom who used to go to the theater on Saturdays with her dad and watch Rory Rogers and Dale Evans get the bad guys. I also love a good scare, so I combine the two for a romantic “get the bad guy story”.
3.) When you write, do you prefer silence or do you like to listen to music or the television?
Since writing is such an escape for me, I enjoy the quiet when I write. The characters in my head do not like having to talk over the TV.
4.) Do you have a particular place you prefer to write?
I have an office on the second floor of my home however my cats think my laptop is a heating pad, so I set up my writing world in the corner of my bedroom on a TV tray.
5.) How long did it take you to write your first book?
(Insert laughter here) I think I’m going to write about the writing of Comanche Haven sometime in the future because it’s a whole story unto itself. So much happened during the first book’s journey, from the writer learning how to write, to rewrites, to distractions/family life, to more rewrites, to finally winning a contest, to edits on top of edits, to finally seeing Comanche Haven in print and soon to be out in paperback. (insert a sigh here) The novel is epic for that reason alone!
6.) Where do you get your inspirations from to write?
Everywhere! I love watching people in everyday life. So much is learned by absorbing from one’s surroundings. Plus, I do a lot of brainstorming with my sister, who’s also an author. She is so important to my work, I feel like we are a team.
7.) What book are you currently working on?

The Lady in the Mist, The Western Werewolf Legend.
8.) Please give us a brief synopsis of your newest WIP.
Waking Up Dead, the second installment in the Western Werewolf Legend series, continues the story of Sonja and Ty as they discover the secrets to their special gifts. Struggling to outwit the vampires who want to annihilate Sonja and Ty, the couple explore their new werewolf powers in ways they never imagined. Sonja comes face to face with a shocking discovery from her past, while Ty faces the most difficult decision of his life. Follow their journey as they seek to discover the answer to the question – “What does one do when one discovers they’re a werewolf in love?”
9.) Where can people find your books?
All my books are available at Amazon http://tinyurl.com/9ff6h4j
Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/181516
as well as Barnes & Noble, Apple and Sony.
You can reach Catherine at –
“Feel free to stop by anytime,” Catherine Wolffe
Thank you, Catherine!
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