Week 1: Winners! Sherry Ellis Author Giveaway

I want to thank all who visited my blog for the event during Week 1 of the “Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways” for  my interview with the lovely, and talented… Sherry Ellis, Author of That Baby Woke Me Up, Again.

I always enjoy having Sherry over to my blog as guest author as she is a true inspiration! It’s heart warming to see all the commenters–you are all awesome for stopping by!

Sherry is giving away two paperback versions of her book–And what a great Christmas gift or stocking stuffer for little ones.

The winners are:

Tracy Campbell

Rik Battaglia


**Please visit back here on Sunday, November 11th, 2012 as Author Catherine Wolffe joins us as guest Author! And for another great giveaway–Catherine has been so generous as to offer up 5 copies of her ebook that she will give away to commenters. This interview is part of the “Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways” event!



11/4/2012 Week 1 | Interview With Guest Author – Sherry Ellis

Virginia Wright Blog Author Interviews
Week 1 – Nov. 4, 2012  Guest Author | Sherry Ellis

Welcome! Sherry, I’m so happy that you are joining this event “The Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways.” I know you are an inspiration to me personally, and I’m very proud to have you visiting as  my guest today.   I want to thank you for your generous offer to give away a copy of your book to two lucky commenters of this post. I know these will make great Christmas gifts to our winners! With that said, let’s get on with the interview.




Bio: Sherry Ellis is the award-winning author of That Baby Woke Me Up, AGAIN and that Mama is a Grouch.  She is also a professional musician who plays and teaches violin, viola, and piano.  She resides in Loveland, Ohio, with her husband and two children.


Tell us a little about your background and how you became a children’s book author. I pretty much stumbled into the world of writing.  I am a professional musician, so prior to writing my first book, my time was divided into taking care of my two children, and playing and teaching the violin, viola, and piano.  My career as an author began seven years ago in a rocking chair.  It was about three o’clock in the morning, and my five-month-old son had awakened.  It was probably the seventh time that night.  He was a terrible sleeper (actually both kids were), so this was pretty typical.  As I sat in my sleep-deprived state, a poem started going through my head.  It was the beginning of That Baby Woke Me Up, AGAIN.  Every time my son woke up, I added to it.  By the end of the week, the entire story was composed in my head.  I shared it with my three-year-old daughter, who thought it was great.  It was she who suggested it should be a book.  The rest is history.

That Baby Woke Me Up, AGAIN about?
It’s a story about a little girl who’s having trouble getting used to the sleepless nights due to her new baby brother.  She can’t figure out why he keeps waking up so much.  Mama explains a few things, and assures her it won’t last forever.  It’s a good book to share with the big brothers and sisters of a new baby. 

How do you come up with ideas for stories? Life gives me a lot of ideas!  Something my kids do might spark the creative juices in my head.  I jot down ideas in a notebook.  If I come up with something I think would be a good story, I create an outline of how I’d like the story to progress.  When the outline and characters look good, I begin writing.

How long does it take for you to write a book? Years!  Actually, I can whip out a first draft for a picture book in about two weeks.  It takes about four months for a chapter book.  The thing that takes so much time is the revision process.  I must’ve revised my current project almost one hundred times!  I’ve been working on it for three years.  I think it’s finally ready for submission!

What is your current project? It’s a chapter book series for kids.  The first book is Bubba and Squirt’s Big Hole to China.  The premise of the series is that Bubba and Squirt travel through a vortex that leads to another country.  They have an adventure while learning about the language, history, and culture of that country.

Tell us about the marketing process for authors. What do you do to market and sell your books? Marketing is a big part of being a successful author.  It’s all about getting the word out.  You won’t sell books if nobody knows about them.  I do a lot of networking through sites like JacketFlap, Twitter, and Facebook, as well as through blogging.  I have also done radio interviews and book signings.  One fun event I do is a Pajama Party Story time at bookstores and libraries.  Kids are invited to dress in their pajamas and bring their favorite teddy bears for an evening of music, games, and stories.  I show up in my pajamas and Winnie the Pooh slippers, and we all have a good time.

What is your best tip for aspiring children’s book authors? Read!  Read as many children’s books as you can so that you get a good sense of what kids like, and what publishers want to see.

Where can readers find you? They can find me at my website, www.sherryellis.org, my blog, www.sherryellis.blogspot.com, as well as on Facebook and Twitter.

Thank you so much for having me as a guest!


Comments are now open!



Seven Weeks To Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways

Virginia Wright BlogHello Everyone! Beginning the first Sunday in November, (November 4th) through December 16th, I am hosting “Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews and Giveaways.” This will be a chance to learn about authors you have not read and at the same time learn a little bit more about those who you have.


If you comment on the authors post the day of their interview, it enters you into a drawing for a chance to win their giveaway.  If you shout out about the event–such as on Facebook, Google+, Tweet, Pin, etc. each post counts towards an entry. You must return back to the author interview and post the URL where you broadcast the event. It’s that easy!

Each week I will be interviewing various authors who have so graciously agreed to visit my blog as Guest Author. I’m very excited to be hosting this event. I have met some wonderful authors online, and some of these in person, and what better way to get in the holiday spirit than to enter giveaways and win gifts everything from ebooks, to paperbacks, and other surprises!

Grand Prize Giveaway

On the last week of this event…I’m going to be giving away two copies of my latest book, The Christmas Secret, in paperback, as well as a few other goodies! (Not revealing what that is now. But it will be a fitting giveaway for Christmas). :-)

List of authors participating:

November 4th – Sherry Ellis

November 11th – Catherine Wolffe

November 18th – Sarah L, Bowman

November 25th – Launa McNeilly

November 25th – 

November 28th – Mario Joseph Cardarelli

December 2nd – Lisa Winkler

December 2nd – Jeremy Hawkins

December 9th – Dennis Higgins

December 9th – Joe Landers

December 16th – Virginia Wright (Me) Release Party Online for – “The Christmas Secret” – Nice swag giveaway!

The Next Big Thing – Blog Hop

by Virginia Wright

Week 17: The Next Big Thing








I’d like to thank Catherine  Wolffe @ https://www.facebook.com/AwardWinningAuthorCatherineWolffe


for inviting me to the blog hop.

Virginia Wright – Author, Mixed Genre Writer, Illustrator, Nature and Food Phtographer, Foodie & Queen of Recipe Adaptation…

1. What is the working title of your book?
The working title of my upcoming release is The Christmas Secret.

2. Where did the idea come from for the book?
The idea for the book came from remembering how special Christmas was as a child. I wanted to create a Christmas story that was reminiscent of Christmas past, with love, traditions and a lesson learned.

3. Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

That is a tough one. I would love to take some suggestions on this one, once the story has been read by a few followers.

4. What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?

Mikey loves everything about Christmas except one thing–deciding what he wants for a gift.

5. Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

Self-published. Self-publishing was taboo just a few years ago and self-published authors were shunned by traditionally published authors. Now, many self-published authors are widely accepted in the writing community and publishing world.

With that said, self-publishing is definitely worth a try, especially putting words into digital format (e-Book), because who knows…one day a traditional publisher m

Google John Locke,  or Amanda Hocking for yourselves.

6. How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

Just a few weeks. But then it took me two years to finish it between editing, illustrating and all the fun stuff that goes into writing a book!

7. Who or What inspired you to write this book?

Who inspired me to write this book is most definitely my children and grandchildren. Two of my grandchildren, Tyler and Mikey, became characters in my book, they are what brought the story to life!


Thanks so much for stopping by and please check out these authors posts next week on October the 24th as we continue The Next Big Thing Blog Hop.

Sherry Ellis  – http://www.sherryellis.blogspot.com/

Lisa Winkler – www.cyclingrandma.wordpress.com

Joe Landers – http://josephjlanders.wordpress.com/

Cardarelli, Mario (Author & Publisher) http://www.mjcpublishing.weebly.com

Comments are now open!


Interview With Virginia Wright October 7, 2012

Catherine Wolffe will be hosting me (Virginia Wright) as a guest author on her blog– October 7, 2012.  Please stop by and read the interview, and comment. See you there!
