What do they do with pollen?
How do they make honey?
What is pollination?
Does all honey look and taste alike?
What can we do to benefit the bees?
What kind of flowers do honeybees prefer?

Hi everyone, Bees and plants have evolved synergistically (like team members) to accommodate the needs of one another. The plants evolved methods to attract the bees to do the job of pollination; while the bees were developing ways to find, carry, store, and best use the bounty of pollen and nectar provided in exchange for their services. These are words from my book Buzzzzzzzz. I am excited to share the new cover for, Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do. It was brought to my attention awhile back, that on the old cover, my name as author, blended too well and it could barely be seen… Hence, this new cover.
In addition to the front cover, the back cover has also been revamped to include two reviews about Buzzzzzzzz. One of the reviews is by Dennis Higgins, author of Pennies From Across the Veil. And also, author of the Time Pilgrim series. http://www.timepilgrims.com
Another review is by Daniel Caron, Nature Photographer, naturenomad.com.
Thanks to both men for agreeing to the reviews on my cover. I truly appreciate it!
Surviving and evolving over millions of years; honeybees are one of our most amazing creatures. They provide the essential service of pollinating, so many flowers; flowers of trees, shrubs, and plants of many types. Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do answers questions such as, Do all honeybees sting? What do they do with pollen? What type flowers do honeybees prefer? It also answers what we can do to benefit the bees.
One of my favorite hobbies is nature photography, I hope to have proved this in Buzzzzzzzz. I bring you up close and personal with some of our greatest pollinators, the honeybees.
Virginia Wright, Author
Remember…honeybees, bumblebees, mason bees, sweat bees, wasps, hornets, hummingbirds and butterflies, are just a few of the “thousands” of pollinators on earth; and they all have very important jobs to do. We rarely– if ever, think of the thousands of other native pollinators that are diligently working on the plants. Our “unknown pollinators” bats, moths, flies, spiders, beetles, and bugs of all sorts, are working day and night to do nature’s work. Pollinators definitely have a place and purpose in our environment. When we don’t have plants that our pollinators prefer, and we cut all the grass and don’t leave any wild flowers, and then poison all the weeds, we take away the very fodder our pollinators need! When we take away these sources, and we don’t have OUR very important pollinators– then we will only have wind pollinated plants– that is wheat, rice, and corn. Can you imagine living off of only those foods? I can’t. Help save our pollinators through, “Awareness and Education.”
For more pollinator information:
1.) http://www.davesbees.com/pollinators.html
2.) http://www.fws.gov/pollinators/
3.) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollination
4.) Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do by Virginia Wright
© VW
THE HONEYBEE – Isn’t it interesting to know, that the honeybee is an “Insect” that provide us with something that we can eat? It’s that golden, sweet, healthy for us food called—honey! With the disappearing honeybee population, our honey supplies are diminishing in the United States. This situation is called CCD or Colony Collapse Disorder: and researchers are trying to figure out reasons for honeybee disappearance; some say chemicals are at fault.
You can help the honeybee population by planting a flower garden with flowers that grow in your local area that honeybees like. I will list a few that I know of that are great fodder when these wonderful pollinators are foraging for food.
*Black-Eyed Susan
*Cone Flower
No matter what type flower plot you plant for the bees, don’t use chemicals on your garden…this could be detrimental (harmful) to these much needed pollinator’s.
Family Fun
Planting a flower garden for our greatest pollinator is an activity the whole family can participate in!