Christmas Returns to Pottersville by Dennis Higgins 2018 Christmas Classic

Oh, my gosh…If you have been looking for a new Christmas classic this year to read, Christmas Returns to Pottersville by Dennis Higgins is the one to get!

Description: Frank Capra’s, It’s a Wonderful Life was the ultimate parallel universe story. George Bailey was shown by an angel a world in which he had never been born. A world where the cute little town of Bedford Falls no longer existed and in its place was the seedy town of Pottersville. But imagine if Pottersville still existed in the current age, along another path of existence. Welcome to Pottersville, a town owned and operated by Peter F. Potter. A sleazy, corrupt town where Christmas was discouraged and people were miserable. What if Potter was taken to this town, in a world in which he had never been born?

Christmas Returns to Pottersville by Dennis Higgins