Soledad California’s Little Free Library – TAKE A BOOK ~ RETURN A BOOK Excellent Program

Kim from Little Free Library (Charter #35502) located in Soledad, CA contacted me asking if I would donate a book to Soledad’s Little Free Library. She told me that they have recently started spotlighting authors through “Author Of The Week” where they feature info about the author and they display the info on their bulletin board next to their library. They also feature the author and book on their Facebook page.

I wondered how the program worked and asked if she could give me a little history about the free library? How long it has existed. How many people check books in and out. Do they have a sign-out sheet, etc., Kim told me that their Little Free Library has been up and running since January 2016. The first year they successfully put 556 books into the hands of happy readers, from kids to adults! They are the only Little Free Library in their town, located near three schools (two elementary schools & a middle school), so they get quite a few kids and their parents walking by. They also get visitors who drive from different areas of the town just to get a book. The motto for Little Free Library is “TAKE A BOOK – LEAVE A BOOK!”

Some pass the book on to a brother, sister, friend, etc. They don’t use a sign-out sheet; they just encourage people to read!

I have a package with six books all ready to send out to Soledad’s Little Free Library. If other author’s want to donate books, please contact Kim Binsacca on her Facebook page

Thanks, Kim for contacting me. I’m elated to donate to such an excellent reading program…can’t wait to get my books in the hands of “happy readers!”

-Virginia Wright

To start your own Little Free Libary in your area: