FREE eBooks February 2, 2013

Authors unite and give away their eBooks on February 2, 2013.  Mark your calendars!

Jodi Desautels

Johnny’s Adventure Makes Reading Fun

Reading is difficult for many children, including Johnny. Yet, there are ways to make reading more fun. See how Johnny’s adventure makes reading more fun for him.

Dennis Higgins

Parallel Roads (Lost on Route 66) on Kindle

When the spring of 1946 comes, Katherine Callahan decides to leave her loving husband and newborn baby so that she may embark upon an unknowingly tragic journey across the famous American highway from Chicago to her sister’s home in Burbank. She never does arrive.

Fast forward into the present, Kevin Callahan, Katherine’s grandson, along with his best friend Cheryl Bachman, traces his grandmother’s steps along the now decommissioned road to uncover the mystery surrounding her disappearance. They are armed with only a handful of postcards from Katherine and a Victorian secret code involving postage stamps surrounding a mysterious man from her past. This, along with Cheryl’s detective skills and an unusual, paranormal connection between Kevin and his grandmother transcending time itself, bring them closer to the truth as their lives merge in 1946.

Virginia Wright

1.) Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do

Honeybees are amazing creatures, for they are insects that provide us with golden sweet food known as honey. Learn the basics about honeybees, where and how they live, by reading this very interesting, easy to understand story. Do all honeybees sting? What do they do with pollen? Are bees in trouble? How do they make honey? What can we do to benefit the bees? You will find these answers and more in Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do. Real photographs inside the book get you up close and personal with our greatest pollinator the honeybee, including one of a bee’s tongue…

2.) Crying Bear

Join this very adventurous little bear cub, as she wanders too far from the den in the snow covered mountains of Maine.

3.) The Prince and the Dragon

Join in on the fun for a day and follow Tyler after he receives an amazing gift for his birthday. With this unusual gift he discovers a magical world just beyond, where he learns that an act of kindness helps another overcome his fear of being unlike others.

4.) The Princess and the Castle

Join in on the fun for a day and follow Elisabeth after she receives an incredible gift for her birthday; and with this amazing gift–she discovers a magical world just beyond, where she has one adventure after another.


Sunday, January 6, 2013 Interview(s) Update

There has been a schedule change— with a nice line up of interviews and giveaways later on in the month starting us off with the New Year. The first interview of the month will start on:

January 27, 2013 with Illustrator and Author, Tracy Campbell

Wacky World of Writing Blog:


February 3, 2013 with author, Joe McCarthy



February 10, 2013 with Author-Illustrator, Jodi Desautels.



Please tell your family and friends to sign up for my blog updates by going to the side bar of my home page ( There is a little box that tells you to sign up. I don’t bombard you with too many emails, generally not more than once a week (Unless I have something big to share).






Do you have preschool to kindergarten age children or grandchildren? If so, go to the Kid’s Corner, and download January’s themed activity page and print it out. Please take notice to the art–my son, Shane Wright, did this art sixteen years ago. He gave me permission to use it on January’s activity page. I love it! Thank you, Shane!

“January” Preschool Projects –  Snowman Theme Activity Page (s) for preschool children – Count how many buttons on the snowman’s belly. Circle the correct number of buttons on the snowman’s belly, draw a snowman.   Number  Recognition, following instructions, plus art.  This is just one of our monthly activity pages for preschool children-  Click here for more lessons.

The next blog update should be on January 20, 2013

Until then, be kind to one another, as it means so much to people…


-Virginia Wright