Rhonda Patton is a Shreveport residence, a mother, a wife, and a daughter. Her husband is the illustrator of the Ted and Raymond Series as well as her co-writer in Searching for the Unknown and
Spirits of ChesterVille General Store. She has loved writing since a young girl. She wrote the first Ted and Raymond book in 2000 and that turned into a series, “The Croak 500”. With NO animation or characters, her husband made the book come alive. Rhonda was inspired to do more and more stories.
She truly is an inspiration for this author. :-) For more on Rhonda Patton, please contact her at the links below.
-Virginia Wright
Buy her books at Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Rhonda-Patton/e/B008QX4XO2 and other retail stores.
Twitter @frecles24
Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/RhondaPattonauthor
Google + @ https://plus.google.com/111915739855547342642?hl=en#111915739855547342642/posts/p/pub
LinkedIn @ http://www.linkedin.com/pub/rhonda-mcdaniel/24/788/8bb/
WEBSITE: http://www.thecroak500.com
Design and Promotion: http://www.freckledfrogdesigns.com