Winners Announced | Joe Pranaitis Book Giveaway

It is always so exciting to announce the winners of a giveaway…today is no exception. I want to thank Joe Pranaitis for stopping by my blog and letting us learn a little more about him as a writer. Thanks also goes out to all those who visited my blog for the interview!

Last week I mentioned that I will be interviewed by Author & Illustrator Tracy Campbell,  Saturday, February 23, 2013. I am going to let that be my weekly post and will refer you all over to her blog on February 24th with a link to the exact post.  Yes! I’m having a giveaway…In honor of spring heading our way, I’m going to be giving away my non-fiction, educational book “Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do,”  to (one) commenter that gets me buzzing with their comment!

And without further ado…
The winners of Joe Pranaitis’s book giveaway are:

1) Ginger Porter

2) Sherry Ellis

3) Dennis Higgins

Grand-prize winner of Infinite Possibilities & a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate:

4) Kathy Wright

Winners–please allow 7-14 days for delivery of your prize.

The other two commenters, Karen P. and Karen S., I’m sorry that you didn’t win one of Joe’s books. However, there will be another giveaway, as mentioned on Tracy Campbell’s Blog on February 23, 2013.

Congratulations everyone!

-Virginia Wright

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