What Are You Thankful For?


What are You Thankful for by Virginia Wright Author

I’ve been given many extra days since my Thyroid cancer diagnosis in 1991. I don’t often talk about my health in the public, but I thought it might be time to reflect—My BFF, Kim, who is like a sister to me— told me once, that I wear my heart on my sleeve–  so I figured, in lieu of that fact I would begin this story around 1988 – 1991, when I was losing a good bit of weight. I had two little boys in elementary school, and I walked regularly, rode bicycles with the kids, went swimming, etc., so I chalked the weight loss up to my activity. But then I developed a lump in my throat, close to the front of my neck, off to the side a little. The lump got to the point where it felt as if someone was sticking their thumb in my throat every time I swallowed.  I soon came to realize something was definitely wrong.

Over the next couple of months, I went through a battery of tests, and it was decided I had tumor in my neck that could be cancerous. My doctor said that I needed surgery to determine what was going on. Before scheduling surgery, I was told that I might have to have radiation and/or chemotherapy.  At the time, I had beautiful long, waist length hair- and I couldn’t see myself losing my hair in clumps, so I went out and had my hair cut as short as I could– almost like, but not quite, a military hair cut they call—high and tight.  The hair dresser didn’t want to cut my hair that short, but I insisted, and everyone watched as my pretty locks of hair fell to the floor.

I made sure my will was straightened out, bills were paid, and all was taken care of before I went in for surgery. My husband was a career man in the USN, and he took leave to take care of the kids and be at the hospital with me.  I spent about five days in the hospital, with tubes coming out of my neck, had a urinal catheter in, bags of IV on a stand, and none of it was any fun.  The doctor came in after the biopsy was back and I remember thinking- Lord, please not the “C” word! Then the doctor said, “You have cancer.”

After the doctor left, I lay in the hospital bed and began to cry, I raised my hands up and began praying to God, asking for extra time—I wanted to raise my boys, watch my children grow…after all wasn’t that what I was supposed to do? I was their mother—

When I look back on it now, I am so thankful for the days that have been given me, the time I was granted. I was given that time I prayed for, to watch  my children grow from little boys into young men—I can remember when my first born, Rob, graduated from high school I was streaming tears of joy when he walked on that stage to get his diploma. Then again,  two years later, when my second child, Shane, graduated; uncontrollable tears ran down my cheeks as he took his turn on stage to receive his diploma.

Then, I had another scare, I had cancer again, but this time it was skin cancer and it had not metastasized. But once again, I prayed, more time was given. I’m so very thankful for that…  Yes, I was given more time. Eventually, I held grand babies in my arms too. I feel very blessed and doubly thankful for the time.

What I’m thankful for each and every day is for my family, especially my husband, Dave, for all his support during the health scares and also in my writing endeavors. I’m thankful for my friends, my fans, and I’m thankful to God for giving me more time.  There are times that I have to remind myself that I was kept here for a reason, that it wasn’t my time to go, and that I shouldn’t take my days for granted! Remembering, always to give praise to God… I’m happy to say, as of my last check up with the cancer specialist, I am still cancer free, I wear my scars proudly. I’m a “Cancer Survivor,”  and I’m very thankful for that too…

What are You Thankful for?

-Virginia Wright Author


4 thoughts on “What Are You Thankful For?

  1. I was born and raised in the desret, and it was year before I discovered that the crayon color sky blue is real. Our blue skies are amazing, and the sunsets spectacular, thanks to all the dust particles in the air. The desret in spring is the most astonishing burst of colors. My sister and I walk around a man-made fishing pond, every Saturday morning. It’s stocked with fish from October to May. In the summer, it’s too hot for most of the fish. That being said, we don’t have green like there’s green east of the Mississippi. When I visited Mary, in Florida, I was on overload with all the green and all the trees.

  2. Thank you for sharing what you are grateful for! I agree the crayon blue sky color is awesome some days. I’ve taken many photographs of the sky in various shades of blue, as I like to try and get the sky color correct in my illustrations. It is the little things in life, like taking a walk that are important. I love the hills in the Ohio Valley, green, plush green everywhere.

    Best to you,

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