Authors Tagging Authors Blog Hop

Hello Everyone!
I was asked to contribute in the ‘Authors Tagging Authors’ Blog Hop.’ And I was tagged by Author, Candace C. Bowen. Before I answer the questions and answers in the blog hop, I wanted to tell you a little bit about Candace. She was born in Chicago, and later moved to Pompano Beach, Florida–where she now resides.  She is author of: A knight of Silence  ( A  Knight Series Novel), A knight of Battle, Spur of the Moment, Wicked embers, and coming in 2013 Jack of Hearts. 

You can learn more about this awesome writer on her website!

The Q & A of the  (Authors Tagging Authors Blog Hop) is going to be today’s blog post! Please join me next Sunday, February 10, 2013 for the interview I did with Author Jodi Desautels. She will be having a book giveaway, so be sure and stop by!

Now on with my answers to the blog hop questions…

What is the working title of your next book?

The working title of my next book I have been contemplating, but I believe I am going with  “Douglas the Friendly Dragon.”

Where did the idea come from for the book?

The idea came from writing a book in 2010, The Princess and the Castle. This book I wrote for my granddaughter Elisabeth because princesses, castles, and the like fascinate her. She wanted me to write her a story and I could not think of any idea any better than to create a store about a “princess.” In this book, I created characters that I could continue with in companion books. The dragon character in Douglas the Friendly Dragon showed up in The Prince and the Dragon. Therefore, to continue…the next logical step for me, is to write a story about the dragon, as I have written one about the princess and the prince.

What genre does your book fall under?

Douglas the Friendly Dragon falls under the genre of children’s fiction/fantasy.

What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition? I would have to think about that…It would be fun to have my grandchildren star in a movie, because the first two fantasy books were written for my grandchildren.
What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?

Douglas the Friendly Dragon discovers why he could not breathe fire in the companion book, The Prince and the Dragon, now that he knows the truth about that, he has many more adventures…

Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?

Unless an agency comes knocking on my door– then “Douglas the Friendly Dragon” will be released by me as a First Kindle Edition.

How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?

I am still working on this manuscript and illustrations.

What other books would you compare this to within your genre?

Perhaps, The Reluctant Dragon by author, Kenneth Grahame.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

Douglas the Friendly Dragon was inspired by its companion books—The Princess and the Castle, and The Prince and the Dragon.

What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest?

The fact that this is a companion book might pique reader’s interest, and because I have been able to incorporate the characters in my other books without it actually being a series.

The End

I asked a number of authors to participate in this blog hop, but many had already joined in and was doing it or had done the hop! Therefore, I encourage you to visit Candace C. Bowen’s blog.

And Jodi Desautels blog.

While you are at it…check out Dennis Higgins, Author.

And Tracy Campbell’s Blog.

Don’t forget to go here…
Sherry   Ellis – Mama Diaries.

Lastly, Eric VanRaepenbusch Happy Birthday Author

Thank you, See you next Sunday…

-Virginia  Wright