Another Amazon 5-Star Review


Another Amazon 5-star review: Fantastic book, December 26, 2011 By Pat –  This review is from: Buzzzzzzzz…: What Honeybees Do (Paperback)

Buzzzzzzzz…: What Honeybees Do by Virginia Wright is a fantastic book for children and even adults too. I loved the photos and the information was great. I have it on my Kindle Fire and I also have the paperback book.

New Year, Hope, New Beginnings, and Chances…

With the new year, for some, it brings distress thinking about being another year older. For me, it brings promise of hope, new beginnings, chances, and a blessing of yet another year.

For those who are new followers, before I began writing children’s books, I was writer, and senior editor for ten years for an online health and recipe website named “Lowfat Weekly,” that I founded. I loved, loved, loved, writing about health issues and the challenge of adapting recipes to healthier versions. But while I always warned, for folks to go to their primary care physicians with health issues– I still received questions about health issues. People sharing their ills, trials, and hopelessness. I answered every email, but was very cautious to never give any medical advice. However, I started receiving emails that made me feel that I was being tested, seeing if I would break that boundary. With much thought and decision after ten years of writing health articles and designing good food in the test kitchen to make healthier alternative recipes…I closed the door on Lowfat Weekly.

But from the time I was a little girl, I loved writing. I wrote my mom poems, and whenever I wanted to say “anything,” I put it in a note.

There is more to this story, but for now…I shall end saying please look to the New Year for a new beginning, and never give up your hopes, or dreams.


Author Reading

Peavey Memorial Library in Eastport, Maine was very kind in hosting my author read this month. I read my latest book release “Crying Bear, Yes Bears Cry Sometimes Too.” All children that attended the read received coloring sheets, crayons, stickers, and their choice of one of my books.

Machias News Observer reporter, Ruth Leubecker, sat in on the read and did an interview. A great article and photo went in the newspaper the following week. Many thanks go out to you Ruth for making the trip to Eastport, Maine to do a story on me!

Any school interested in hiring me to do an author visit please contact:

info [at] virginiawright [dot] com

I will be more than happy to go over my fee, and program.


Virginia Wright, Author




by Virginia Wright

Remember…honeybees, bumblebees, mason bees, sweat bees, wasps, hornets, hummingbirds and butterflies, are just a few of the “thousands” of pollinators on earth; and they all have very important jobs to do. We rarely– if ever, think of the thousands of other native pollinators that are diligently working on the plants. Our “unknown pollinators” bats, moths, flies, spiders, beetles, and bugs of all sorts, are working day and night to do nature’s work.  Pollinators definitely have a place and purpose in our environment. When we don’t have plants that our pollinators prefer, and we cut all the grass and don’t leave any wild flowers, and then poison all the weeds, we take away the very fodder our pollinators need! When we take away these sources, and we don’t have OUR very important pollinators– then we will only have wind pollinated plants– that is wheat, rice, and corn. Can you imagine living off of only those foods? I can’t. Help save our pollinators through, “Awareness and Education.”

For more pollinator information:




4.)  Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do by Virginia Wright

© VW

Just Write!

Ever since I was a little girl you could find me with paper and pen in hand, writing poetry, haiku’s, and mostly writing anything that came  to mind. I read a post recently that asked if being a writer was something you were born with or if you could be taught to be a writer? I personally think there are naturals in most everything we do in life. Some are born with a natural ability to sing, and when they take voice lessons can perfect and hone their craft. Others are born with an artistic ability, and over time their illustrations get better and better. But I also believe someone who has never drawn could pick up a paint brush, and begin creating, and if they create often, will get better and better at it. The same goes for writing, writing what you know is fun, but it might not necessarily pay. So then pencils must be sharpened, and research needs to be done, in order to write something outside of our comfort zone.

No matter what we do in life, I’ve found, there will always be competitors, and someone who is always trying to make it to the finish line before you do. All we can do, is do our best– write in a genre that we believe we would enjoy, and you guessed it…just write!

Another rambling of Virginia Wright