The Recipe Corner

Recipes @ The Recipe Corner

I’m so excited how the recipe corner is starting to shape up! It was suggested by fans that I start posting recipes on my writing blog instead of only on social media sites. Based on the requests, I am going to post recipes in a new section here on my blog, that I refer to as the recipe corner.                                                              (

If you have a “Tried and True” recipe you would like to have posted at the recipe corner, send in the recipe to [info] [at] virginiawright [dot] com. In the subject area type: Recipe Submission. Please include your full name and the state you are from along with your recipe, adding that you give permission to post your recipe. All recipes are reviewed for consideration, and if your recipe is chosen, you will be notified when it is in the queue for posting.

-Virginia Wright, Author & Queen of Recipe Adaptation :-)

The Recipe Lady | @The Recipe Weekly

Recipes @ the Recipe Corner

Hi, I’m the author of the children’s books The Princess and the CastleThe Prince and the Dragon, and my newest release “Crying Bear Yes Bears Cry Sometimes Too.” I’m also the author of the non-fiction book: Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do. Buzzzzzzzz is available in Paperback and eBook;
and is a honeybee, beekeeping basics primer for children 4th-grade reading level to adult. I’m currently working on a number of writing projects and my latest release was a romance novel A Christmas to Remember.

Check out my cookbook Ayuh, Another Downeast Cookbook: Recipes From Maine

For ten years, before authoring my books, I was the Senior Writer for Lowfat Weekly, a website, I founded. (If you’ve read my other blogs, then you are familiar with a post that told about why I closed down that website). In brief, while working at Lowfat Weekly part of my job as a recipe developer, included adapting recipes to healthier Low-Fat versions. I LOVED that challenge! As a food blogger, I was known as “The Recipe Lady,” and I enjoyed interacting with our viewers, emails, chats, and such.  The problem I was having is that I didn’t want to only develop low-fat recipes, as it left no room for old-fashioned recipes that make you think of your “Mum and home.” I literally have hundreds of recipes that I’ve developed and adapted before Lowfat Weekly, during, and since working there. My recipes are made from ingredients that I already have in my cupboards, on hand– and trust you do too! They are mostly recipes that you will be familiar with, but in some cases, will be posted with “this cook’s” designer twist. These recipes are also some of “my family” favorites and will become yours too. You will find recipes on my blog that have been passed down from my mother, grandmothers, aunts, sister, friends, and friends of friends. All my recipes (most) are “quick and easy” to make including Old-Fashioned Heirloom Recipes, Low-Fat Recipes, Gluten-Free Recipes, Low Carbohydrate Recipes, Vegetarian Recipes, Italian Recipes, Fish and Seafood Recipes, Desserts, and more. In the search block, you can look up everything from dandelion green recipes to honey butter.

-Virginia Wright                                                                                                                           Queen of Recipe Adaptation

Please visit my blog often for recipes, and to see what I’m cooking up next…

These are my granddaughter’s Abigail and Elisabeth. They were visiting with their grammie, the recipe lady, and receiving a cooking lesson.

Cooking Lesson

New Year, Hope, New Beginnings, and Chances…

With the new year, for some, it brings distress thinking about being another year older. For me, it brings promise of hope, new beginnings, chances, and a blessing of yet another year.

For those who are new followers, before I began writing children’s books, I was writer, and senior editor for ten years for an online health and recipe website named “Lowfat Weekly,” that I founded. I loved, loved, loved, writing about health issues and the challenge of adapting recipes to healthier versions. But while I always warned, for folks to go to their primary care physicians with health issues– I still received questions about health issues. People sharing their ills, trials, and hopelessness. I answered every email, but was very cautious to never give any medical advice. However, I started receiving emails that made me feel that I was being tested, seeing if I would break that boundary. With much thought and decision after ten years of writing health articles and designing good food in the test kitchen to make healthier alternative recipes…I closed the door on Lowfat Weekly.

But from the time I was a little girl, I loved writing. I wrote my mom poems, and whenever I wanted to say “anything,” I put it in a note.

There is more to this story, but for now…I shall end saying please look to the New Year for a new beginning, and never give up your hopes, or dreams.
