Week 6 – Dec. 9, 2012 An Interview With Author | Dennis Higgins & Giveaway


Hello everyone! Thank you for stopping by my blog for the sixth week of “Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways.”  There is one more week of the event, next Sunday, when you will read an interview with “me,” and you will comment for a chance to win books, and a grand prize that I’m giving away. (I will reveal the grand prize closer to next Sunday)! Mark your calenders for December 16, as this is my release party for… “The Christmas Secret,” which will be an “online” party. You can stay in the comfort of your own home,  and visit my blog anytime that day.  Don’t forget, you must comment to enter the giveaway.  I will resume normal blogging after the event. However, I already have interviews scheduled for 2013.  Now on to this weeks interview…Dennis Higgins and I met online, we became friends talking about author stuff, and I felt it was only fitting to interview Dennis.  He is an awesome writer… please join me in welcoming Dennis Higgins as my guest author today!

-Virginia Wright

1.)     What led you to become an author? My story began way back when I was a young man in my twenties. I had worked a mundane job in a receiving department where I used to fantasize about being a time traveler falling in love with someone in the past. My fantasies became elaborate stories where a man found himself in 1871 during the Chicago Fire. I had contrasted a modern woman he knew in the present named Cathy with a Victorian woman in the past named Catherine. I always wanted to write this into a book but never found the time. Fast forward to about ten years ago when I met my wife to-be, online. I told her about my desire to write that particular story so for fun we started writing a never ending story type with our characters, Katya and Cyrus. It wasn’t very good and contained almost sappy love sequences because we were falling in love at the time. We shelved the whole idea until she encouraged me to start writing by myself. I went a different direction with my first book, a Route 66 time travel adventure, until she encouraged me to revisit Katya and Cyrus for my second book. I kept the character names, even giving a nod towards Catherine and my Time Pilgrim series became a reality.

Awesome story, Dennis. I bought Katya and Cyrus and recently started reading your book…it is definitely keeping my interest!

2.)      What genre do you write? I find my writing style best fits to a young adult demographic. I write time travel fantasy with a touch of romance.

Great combination!

3.)      When you write, do you prefer silence or do you like to listen to music or the television? I write only in the early morning with complete silence. Of course I have to deal with my two dogs that also pick this time to play. In fact dog #2, Katie is trying to hand me her pull toy right now.

I can relate to needing complete silence, but there are times where I write better with some soothing music playing in the background.

4.)      Do you have a particular place you prefer to write? Right here at my desktop computer. I once tried to write somewhere else at a different time of day and found that my writing style became darker. I suppose it’s good to shake it up a bit but it’s usually in the lower level of my house at my desk.

I have an office area, but I my writing home is in the corner of a reclining couch–with my laptop glued to my lap!

5.)       How long did it take you to write your first book? It took me about one year to write each of my books. Publishing takes a bit longer though.

That sounds about right for me too. But with my latest book, it took me two years.

6.)     Where do you get your inspirations from to write? I suppose as I stated in answer #1, I rely on my fantasies. I like to read but would not consider myself an avid reader. However, I must admit that a couple of authors have influenced me by expanding my love for time travel. I remember reading The Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger which I believed was great, but then I thought to myself that I could do this.

You have a wonderful imagination!

7.)      Can you describe the feeling you had when you held your first published book? I felt like I had joined a great club of authors. I was a normal guy who had a dream and worked to make it a reality. But I also gave my thanks to God.


8.) What book are you currently working on? I have just recently submitted the second book in my Time Pilgrims series to the publisher, so now I am between works.

Time to take a little break and enjoy the holidays!

9.) Where can people find your books? Among other places: Amazon.com, Barnes and Nobles, Createspace, Whiskey Creek Press.

I bought your book, Katya and Cyrus, on Amazon.

About Me

As a native of Chicago, Illinois, I have always possessed a romance with things of the past that are gone but not forgotten.  I now live in the suburbs with my lovely wife, two dogs and four canaries.

Among my influences are:  Richard Matheson, Jack Finney, Dean Koontz, Joan Wester Anderson, Peter S. Beagle and Audrey Neffenegger.

Katya and Cyrus (Time Pilgrims) is the first of an exciting new series that will be treasured and loved by teens as well as adults.


Katya and Cyrus Time Pilgrims

Parallel Roads (Lost on Route 66)

Coming Soon:

Time Pilgrims (Almost Yesterday)

Thanks for participating in this author interview and giveaway event, Dennis. It was a joy having you as guest author today!

-Virginia Wright

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Week 4 Nov. 25, 2012 Guest Author | Eric VanRaepenbusch Interview & Giveaway











Week 4 November 25, 2012 Guest Author | Eric VanRaepenbusch

Welcome! Eric, I’m so happy that you are joining this event “The Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways.” Thank you so much for taking the time to come talk to us about your books.

I also wanted to thank you for your generous offer to give away a couple copies of  your books to commenter’s of this blog. What a wonderful Christmas gift to our winners!

Eric and I met online about two years ago, another author told me about his blog: http://www.happybirthdayauthor.com/ where authors are celebrated on their birthday. BTW, awesome idea Eric. I contacted Eric, and he scheduled an interview with me.  So, I felt it was only fitting, to reciprocate, and interview Eric as he has been super busy and turned out a book or two of his own. Please join me in welcoming author and illustrator of  four books titled Three Ghost Friends series, Eric VanRaepenbusch.

With that said, I will let Eric tell you more…



Author Bio:

Eric VanRaepenbusch is a stay-at-home dad, blogger, and read aloud extraordinaire. He creates memorable reading experiences by celebrating children’s author and illustrator birthdays. His blog, Happy Birthday Author, shares his family’s reading experiences to encourage other families to read together. A speech pathologist and mother of three boys described his Three Ghost Friends series as, ”This series is a must-have for a child’s library! Learn About Colors is the perfect length and uses predictable text, which keeps little ones engaged. The subject of mixing colors is now ingrained in my kids’ heads as a result of Three Ghost Friends!”

1. When did you publish your first book?

I published Three Ghost Friends: Learn About Colors as an eBook at the Apple iBookstore for iPad, iPhone, and iPodTouch in January 2012. It became available for Kindle in August 2012.  Then, in September 2012, I was so pleased to have a print version of the book available on Amazon!


2. Could you give us a description of what the book is about?

Three Ghost Friends: Learn About Colors begins with the Three Ghost Friends eating a strawberry, banana, and a blueberry. One ghost friend turns red, another turns yellow, and the third ghost friend turns blue.  Initially, they are quite shocked to be primary colors, but quickly realize it is quite fun! The Three Ghost Friends have fun until something unexpected happens while the ghosts are playing (I’ll give you a hint. It has something to do with color mixing and secondary colors). The Three Ghost Friends learn that mixing colors can be fun too, but all the playing makes them very tired! In the end, the Three Ghost Friends think of a way to change back to white and keep smiles on their faces.


3. What was the feeling like when you held your published book in your hand for the first time?

It was a big accomplishment.  For years, I had been celebrating and admiring children’s authors and illustrators on my blog, Happy Birthday Author. I saw how each author’s books made an impact on my children as I read to them before bedtime.  I made it my goal to publish a children’s book that families could experience together. To be honest, I was nervous when I published my books. Lots of questions went through my head – Would parents buy my book? Would they like it? I will never forget when parents sent me videos on Facebook of them reading my books with their children. It felt so awesome to know that a child enjoyed something that I created.


4. Please tell us about your latest book? Where can viewers purchase it?

There are now four Three Ghost Friends books available as eBooks and print books. In addition to the Three Ghost Friends: Learn About Colors there is Three Ghost Friends: Learn About Opposites, Three Ghost Friends: Learn About Shapes, and a Halloween book that did quite well, Three Ghost Friends: Learn About the ABCs – Halloween Edition.


All of these books can be purchased on Amazon in print or as eBooks for the Kindle. The print books qualify for Amazon’s 4-for-3 promotion which allows you to get the whole series at a significant discount!


Three Ghost Friends eBooks are also available at the Apple iBookstore for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch.

5. Where online can people find you?

You can find out more about the Three Ghost Friends series at www.threeghostfriends.com.  Available on the website are over 50 activities and printables for toddlers and preschoolers. The materials can be used before, during, and after reading all the Three Ghost Friends books and they are all FREE of charge!


Three Ghost Friends is also on Facebook and Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/ThreeGhostFriends


I also have a very popular Three Ghost Friends Pinterest Board that is loaded with tons of Ghost related food, crafts, and fun!



Virginia, thank you so much for the interview! I am so excited for your latest book too!

Thank you , Eric! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed having you here. I wish you much success with your books. Happy Sales!









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Week 2 – Nov. 11, 2012 Guest Author | Catherine Wolffe Interview & Giveaway

Virginia Wright Blog Author Interviews Week 2 – Nov. 11, 2012  Guest Author | Catherine Wolffe

Welcome! Catherine, I’m so happy that you are joining this event “The Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways.” Thank you so much for taking the time to come talk to us about your book.

I also wanted to thank you for your generous offer to give away 5 ebook copies of The Lady in the Mist–to five lucky commenters of this blog. What a wonderful Christmas gift to our winners! With that said, let’s get on with the interview.



Catherine Wolffe enjoys writing romance. She loves experimenting with the genres and her latest book reflects a blending of the traditional western romance with paranormal elements. Dabbling in time travel, fantasy, as well as the paranormal, she mixes elements of the other-worldly with solid historical figures. Showcasing cowboys, Indians, strong-willed women and steamy romance is her passion. In her romances, her heroines have a mind of their own, while her heroes have hearts of gold. All her characters follow their dreams, because without them, there wouldn’t be a story. Her latest release, The Lady in the Mist, The Western Werewolf Legend is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Sony, I Tunes and Smashwords.com.  A free excerpt of The Lady in the Mist is available as well. The Western Werewolf Legend will continue with the release of Waking up Dead in the spring of 2013.


1.)  What led you to become an author?

Life is full of changes; it’s a constant we all deal with.  So, when I lost my 9 to 5 job seven years ago, I decided to go into business for myself.  Tired of answering to someone else, I wanted to be my own boss.  Out of that experience, I came to understand I had the power to do anything I set my mind to do.  I’ve always been an avid reader and in a conversation with my sister, we weighed the question of how hard could it be to write your own novel?  What a revelation the answer turned out to be!  Another constant in life is that you’re always learning.  So the journey continues as seven years later and three books published, I find myself exploring the possibilities of writing every day.

2.)          What genre do you write?

You’re taught to write about the things you love as well as those that interest you.  I gained my love for westerns and the old west from my mom who used to go to the theater on Saturdays with her dad and watch Rory Rogers and Dale Evans get the bad guys.  I also love a good scare, so I combine the two for a romantic “get the bad guy story”.

3.)     When you write, do you prefer silence or do you like to listen to music or the television?

Since writing is such an escape for me, I enjoy the quiet when I write.  The characters in my head do not like having to talk over the TV.

4.)     Do you have a particular place you prefer to write?

I have an office on the second floor of my home however my cats think my laptop is a heating pad, so I set up my writing world in the corner of my bedroom on a TV tray.

5.)      How long did it take you to write your first book?

(Insert laughter here)  I think I’m going to write about the writing of Comanche Haven sometime in the future because it’s a whole story unto itself.  So much happened during the first book’s journey, from the writer learning how to write, to rewrites, to distractions/family life, to more rewrites, to finally winning a contest, to edits on top of edits, to finally seeing Comanche Haven in print and soon to be out in paperback.  (insert a sigh here)  The novel is epic for that reason alone!

6.)         Where do you get your inspirations from to write?

Everywhere!  I love watching people in everyday life.  So much is learned by absorbing from one’s surroundings.  Plus, I do a lot of brainstorming with my sister, who’s also an author.  She is so important to my work, I feel like we are a team.

7.)          What book are you currently working on? 

The Lady in the Mist, The Western Werewolf Legend.

8.)  Please give us a brief synopsis of your newest WIP.

Waking Up Dead, the second installment in the Western Werewolf Legend series, continues the story of Sonja and Ty as they discover the secrets to their special gifts.  Struggling to outwit the vampires who want to annihilate Sonja and Ty, the couple explore their new werewolf powers in ways they never imagined.  Sonja comes face to face with a shocking discovery from her past, while Ty faces the most difficult decision of his life.  Follow their journey as they seek to discover the answer to the question – “What does one do when one discovers they’re a werewolf in love?”

9.)       Where can people find your books?

All my books are available at Amazon  http://tinyurl.com/9ff6h4j

Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/181516

as well as Barnes & Noble, Apple and Sony.

You can reach Catherine at –




“Feel free to stop by anytime,” Catherine Wolffe

Thank you, Catherine!

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Alexa Bourne Author 2012 Blog Tour

Honey Bee Promotions Presents

April 30, 2012

Hi Everyone, Thank you for joining me as I host Alexa Bourne, author of  Her Highland Champion, on my blog today.  Alexa’s book is available from Decadent Publishing. So grab your tea, coffee, or favorite beverage and join the party for HER HIGHLAND CHAMPION, a brand new contemporary Scottish romantic suspense! Learn more about Alexa Bourne as she makes her last blog stop in April here today on Virginia Wright Blog. Leave a comment and be in the running for a free copy of HER HIGHLAND CHAMPION, a $10 Amazon gift card, and a Scottish surprise! The more you comment, the better your chances of being the winner! Now set back and meet Alexa Bourne…

Thank you for stopping by,

Virginia Wright

Alexa Bourne is a teacher by day and a romantic suspense writer by nights, weekends and all school holidays. She also teaches online classes for writers throughout the year. She is thrilled to be writing for Decadent Publishing and to have the chance to share her love of Scotland with readers everywhere.

When she’s not concocting sinister plots and steamy love scenes or traveling and exploring cultures, Alexa spends her time reading, watching brainless TV and thinking about exercising. She loves to hear from readers. To find her, visit www.alexabourne.com or http://alexabourne.blogspot.com,

or follow her on Twitter @AlexaBourne.


A Decadent Honor Guard story….

Heather Winchester leads a charming life. With good friends, a beautiful flat in one of the most amazing cities in the world, and a promising future once she finishes her Ph.D, she is finally pursuing her own dreams instead of catering to everyone else’s…except she doesn’t remember any of it.

Malcolm Fraser has returned to his Highland village to forget his failings as a professional bodyguard. Believing he could just lose himself in the mundane activities of running his bed & breakfast, he finds a woman’s lifeless body by the loch instead….

Captivated by Heather as she regains her memory, Malcolm is thrown into the line of duty. As danger comes knocking on their doors, will he be strong enough to love her and keep her safe?

Genre: Contemporary romance, adventure, suspense/thriller

Heat level: 3
Word count – 23k


Champion Excerpt:

She turned to the bedside. A man stood there dressed in dark green sweats, with both hands clenched around the silver bedside bar. He was handsome, with light eyes, dark hair cropped close to his head, and a firm jaw. It was his hands, though. They drew her attention. Clean skin, defined knuckles, large fingers. Hands rough from a hard day’s physical labor, and yet, she imagined, gentle enough to caress the afternoon’s sufferings away.

“It’s good to see you awake.” He smiled. “You gave us all quite a fright.”

Okay, the Scottish accent drew her attention, too. At once, it both melted away some of her fears and sparked a whirlwind of questions.

“Where am I?” Her throat scratched like sandpaper.

“St. Catherine’s Hospital.”

She swallowed hard. “Where is that?”

“Fort William.” He reached for something on the table by her bed and brought back a plastic cup with a straw. “Here.”

“Thank you.” The warm water coated her sore vocal cords. She handed the cup back to him.

Wait a minute. Fort William? The only Fort William she knew was in Scotland. “I don’t understand. How did I get here?” Ignoring the aches in her body, she pressed both palms to the sheets on each side of her and pushed herself up. The blanket fell away from her chest and a new chill surrounded her. “What’s going on?”

Her arms shook, and she collapsed back to the bed.

“Relax.” The man set his palm on her shoulder, as if to keep her flat against the mattress. The heat of his fingers seeped through her hospital gown and into her skin. “I found you unconscious on the beach in Glenhalish. I called for an ambulance, and they brought you here.”

“I was in Glenhalish?”

“Aye, on a three day tour of the Highlands. Do you not remember being there?”

“No.” She squinted and studied him. No memories surfaced. “Do I know you?”

He shook his head. “Only from the beach. I’m Malcolm Fraser.”

She opened her mouth and then closed it again. Her gaze drifted to her lap as tears burned in the corners of her eyes. Panic swelled in her chest and into her throat.

“What is it, lass?” he asked with such tenderness.

“Can you tell me my name?”

Buy Links





Heather Winchester’s Diary Excerpt:

Dear Diary….Good grief that sounds so ridiculous from a grown woman.

Today is the day I’m getting out of the hospital. The doctor says I’m good enough for now besides the fact that I can’t remember anything. I shudder to think about what it’s going to be like. I mean I’m leaving the hospital with a man I don’t know. Am I scared? Terrified is more like it. I mean, someone’s trying to kill me and I don’t know who or why. And it’s not like I can think back to the even that landed me in here. I’ve completely lost my memory. Okay, I do know I’m from the US and I know who my president is, but that’s about it.

Ugh. As I stare out the window down at the streets of Fort William, I can’t help the shiver running through me. Physically I’m feeling better. A few aches and pains, but that’s not what scares me. I’m like a baby, everything is new and strange and unfamiliar. If the man who tried to kill me came up to me now, would I even know?

I’m lucky to have Malcolm. He seems like a decent man. He must be. He saved my life. I owe him everything and I can’t even pay him back. My gut tells me I’ll be safe with him even if he’s reluctant to have me around. Maybe it’s Scottish pride that’s making him continue to help me. As kind and sweet as he’s been since finding me unconscious at the loch’s edge, I can still feel some tension coming off him. I hate to interrupt his life, but at this moment, he’s all I have. I hope I’ll be able to repay him at some point. I’ll start by being as little trouble for him in his bed & breakfast as I can.

Speaking of the Kierlain House, I better get changed out of this flimsy hospital gown. The nurse says the doctor will be in to check on me and sign my release papers soon. Then I’ll be totally dependent on a man I hardly know in a country that’s not my own.

Wish me luck. Something tells me I’m going to need it.

Maybe I’ll write some more tonight when I’ve had my 1st glimpse of the Kierlain House and Glenhalish. From the way people describe the village, it sounds like it might be just the place for me to relax. I’ll let you know.

Blog Tour by Honey Bee Promotions http://www.honeybeepromotions.com  

What Are You Thankful For?


What are You Thankful for by Virginia Wright Author

I’ve been given many extra days since my Thyroid cancer diagnosis in 1991. I don’t often talk about my health in the public, but I thought it might be time to reflect—My BFF, Kim, who is like a sister to me— told me once, that I wear my heart on my sleeve–  so I figured, in lieu of that fact I would begin this story around 1988 – 1991, when I was losing a good bit of weight. I had two little boys in elementary school, and I walked regularly, rode bicycles with the kids, went swimming, etc., so I chalked the weight loss up to my activity. But then I developed a lump in my throat, close to the front of my neck, off to the side a little. The lump got to the point where it felt as if someone was sticking their thumb in my throat every time I swallowed.  I soon came to realize something was definitely wrong.

Over the next couple of months, I went through a battery of tests, and it was decided I had tumor in my neck that could be cancerous. My doctor said that I needed surgery to determine what was going on. Before scheduling surgery, I was told that I might have to have radiation and/or chemotherapy.  At the time, I had beautiful long, waist length hair- and I couldn’t see myself losing my hair in clumps, so I went out and had my hair cut as short as I could– almost like, but not quite, a military hair cut they call—high and tight.  The hair dresser didn’t want to cut my hair that short, but I insisted, and everyone watched as my pretty locks of hair fell to the floor.

I made sure my will was straightened out, bills were paid, and all was taken care of before I went in for surgery. My husband was a career man in the USN, and he took leave to take care of the kids and be at the hospital with me.  I spent about five days in the hospital, with tubes coming out of my neck, had a urinal catheter in, bags of IV on a stand, and none of it was any fun.  The doctor came in after the biopsy was back and I remember thinking- Lord, please not the “C” word! Then the doctor said, “You have cancer.”

After the doctor left, I lay in the hospital bed and began to cry, I raised my hands up and began praying to God, asking for extra time—I wanted to raise my boys, watch my children grow…after all wasn’t that what I was supposed to do? I was their mother—

When I look back on it now, I am so thankful for the days that have been given me, the time I was granted. I was given that time I prayed for, to watch  my children grow from little boys into young men—I can remember when my first born, Rob, graduated from high school I was streaming tears of joy when he walked on that stage to get his diploma. Then again,  two years later, when my second child, Shane, graduated; uncontrollable tears ran down my cheeks as he took his turn on stage to receive his diploma.

Then, I had another scare, I had cancer again, but this time it was skin cancer and it had not metastasized. But once again, I prayed, more time was given. I’m so very thankful for that…  Yes, I was given more time. Eventually, I held grand babies in my arms too. I feel very blessed and doubly thankful for the time.

What I’m thankful for each and every day is for my family, especially my husband, Dave, for all his support during the health scares and also in my writing endeavors. I’m thankful for my friends, my fans, and I’m thankful to God for giving me more time.  There are times that I have to remind myself that I was kept here for a reason, that it wasn’t my time to go, and that I shouldn’t take my days for granted! Remembering, always to give praise to God… I’m happy to say, as of my last check up with the cancer specialist, I am still cancer free, I wear my scars proudly. I’m a “Cancer Survivor,”  and I’m very thankful for that too…

What are You Thankful for?

-Virginia Wright Author