Blog Hop Interview – Tag! You’re It!

July 15, 2013

Hi everyone! I was invited by my author friend, Diana Jenkins, to participate in a “blog hop interview.” In order to participate, I answer interview questions, and I tag three other authors. They post-interview questions on their blog pages 7/22. The folks they tag, will post their interview questions and answers on their blogs 7/29, and so forth. A lot of hopping!

You can find Diana’s interview questions and answers here: . Diana posted, July 8, 2013.

Here are my answers to the interview questions and answers:

1. What are you working on right now?

My WIP…hmm, it is quite different than the last five books that I have written–worlds apart from each other actually. I was born and raised in Maine. One of my works in progress is a cookbook titled, “Ayuh, Another Downeast Cookbook!” I’m so excited, as I love cooking, food photography, and food blogging. Ayuh, has been in the works for many years now with the cooperation of members from the Maine Guides Association, a forester, an outdoor editor, Fishermen, and housewives helping me bring great recipes from Maine to my cookbook. My hope is, that this interesting cookbook will be released in early 2014. Maybe sooner?

2. How does it differ from other works in its genre?

Ayuh, Another Downeast Cookbook is different in its genre in that ‘some’ of the recipes are different–not your usual recipes. :-) Ayuh, is a bit unique not only because of the recipes but because of a few of the people who gave me recipes for my book. One of which was a well-known outdoor editor in Maine, now deceased.  I have some real treasures in my possession, and that will be in my cookbook!

3. Why do you write what you do?

My poem says it all…

Writers Write

Writers Write

4. How does your writing process work?

My writing process is not scientific by any means like my poem says…I write from my heart.

For ideas, I don’t brainstorm–I guess you could say, they just happen. It may be that I am washing the dishes, yes, some people still wash the dishes by hand and not with a dishwasher! Or, I might be driving in the car, or standing in line at the grocery store, and the ideas just pop in my head! Voila! Idea now ingrained in my brain–I grab a pen and paper from my purse and I write the basic idea down.

So, no, not a real process…

Thank you for the tag, Diana!

In addition, I am tagging the following authors. Make sure to check out their blog posts on the following date: July 22, 2013

Jodi Desautels – Children’s Author:

Dennis Higgins – YA Author:

Joe Pranaitis – Author:

Tag! You’re It! I can’t wait to see who’s next!

Have a wonderful literary summer!

-Virginia Wright

Week 5 – Giveaway Winners Annoucement


Hi everyone! Ready for me to announce the winners of week 5 Seven Weeks to Christmas Author Interviews & Giveaways….

Drum roll please!

Jeremy Hawkins | Graphic Designer & Author

Winner of a hard copy of   “Retro-Zombie: Art & Words by Jeremy Hawkins” is….

Karen Phillips

Lisa Winkler | Author

Winner of a hard copy of “Tangerine Tango” is….Launa McNeilly

Winner of the eBook…Kathy W.

Virginia Wright | Author & Illustrator

Winner of  the eBook “Buzzzzzzzz: What Honeybees Do by Virginia Wright” is…..

Alex Cavanaugh

Congratulations to all the winners!!!!


Please visit my blog on Sunday December 9, 2012 and help me give a warm welcome to:

December 9th – Dennis Higgins

December 9th – Joe Landers

Then join (me)  Virginia Wright December 16th, for the Release Party Online for – “The Christmas Secret” – Nice swag giveaway! Come to the party on your computer, in your own home. Comment for a chance to win! See you then….