NEW RELEASE!!! Practice Your Way to Perfect: Insect Coloring Book

NEW RELEASE!!!!! Practice Your Way to Perfect: Insect Coloring Book. Available on Amazon and other online retail book stores. BUY NOW!

For a sneak peek click here.

With five designs and five pages of each, you can color page one of the design, and if you go outside of the lines, or decide on a different color; you have four more additional pages of the same design to color. Keep coloring until you practice your way to perfect!

This book also includes blank Draw Your Own Art pages to practice your drawing; Practice Your Way to Perfect: Insects Coloring Book For Kids will bring joy to all those who turn the pages.

*             Coloring – is an excellent way for children to develop their hand-eye coordination
*             8 x10 single-sided non-perforated coloring pages suitable for framing
*             Draw your own art pages
*             Coloring encourages fine motor skills development
*             Insect (butterflies, caterpillar, dragonfly, grasshopper, honeybee, and praying mantis) designs are a great way for children to identify the insects found in their very own backyard
*             This coloring book while designed for children is coloring fun for all colorists!

“Color Away Stress through Creativity!”
-Virginia Wright


Tricolored Bumble Bee (Bombus ternarius)

Look at the bee's tongue in this photo going after the goodness in this flower.

Look at the bee’s tongue in this photo going after the goodness in this flower.

This Tricolored Bumble Bee is a ground-nesting beauty for sure and is foraging for pollen and nectar on this patch of flowers (Bachelor’s Button). After the gathering, this colorful bee will take back its find to the underground nest. 

Here is the heart shape on the back of this bumble bee. Love it!

Here is the heart shape on the back of this bumble bee. Love it!


 I found myself putting all my attention into trying to shoot a great angle of the bees tongue–when I noticed that on the bee’s back above its orange belt was the shape of a heart. Oh, my….I love it! How wondrous nature is. 

While I usually talk and write about honeybees–there are other pollinators that are certainly worth mentioning, the Tricolored Bumble Bee is one of them.

-Virginia Wright, Author of Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do

BachelorButtons2 (C) Virginia Wright