Recipe | Dessert | Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Pretzel Bites

     Authors Cook!

On the recipe section of my blog, The Recipe Weekly, recipes are posted that I have developed, recipes from friends, family, followers and fans, as well as from various genre authors. It is true… authors cook! Speaking of authors cooking…

I caught up with Author Dennis Higgins the other day and I asked him what sort of goodies he fixes at Christmas. Before I talk about a recipe he shared, I want to tell you about his newest book release, Pennies Across The Veil. Pennies From Across the Veil is a love story… about death. Karl Himmel tells the story to an unknown presence, of how he met, fell in love, and married the woman of his dreams, Jenny Engels. But at the time of the telling, Karl and Jenny find themselves on different sides of the veil—the separation we call death.

But not even death can stop true love.

Powerful signs come to those from loved ones who have passed. They can be found any and everywhere, we just need to look for them. The most significant for Karl and Jenny was the finding of numerous wheat-back pennies. However, could there have been many others, and did these signs have a deeper meaning?

 Sounds like a great book, can’t wait to read my copy!

Dennis gave me an easy but delicious recipe that I could share: Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Pretzel Bites.  Please also read the history behind the pretzel that he shared with me.

 This author cooks!


Chocolate Dipped-Peanut Butter Pretzel Bites

Did you know the pretzel has a Christian beginning? In the olden days in Germany, the season of Lent was stricter than it is today and the faithful had to give up all forms of oils, eggs and a host of other things. The pretzel was invented to make a treat that didn’t use any of these ingredients. The way they folded it in the traditional pretzel form was supposed to represent arms folded in prayer.

Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Pretzel Bites_3Ingredients:

Pretzel chips or Wheat Thins

Chunky peanut butter

Chocolate bark, melted


Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Pretzel Bites_1Take two pretzel chips or Wheat Thins, spread chunky peanut butter between them–dip in melted chocolate. Dennis says you can fancy it up with sprinkles too. Voila!  These pretzels are a delicious treat everyone will love!

Dennis noted that if Wheat Thins are used, they must be the reduced fat version. They are crispier.

Dipped Pretzels with Sprinkles

Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Pretzel Bites_5

Find Dennis Higgins books on Amazon.

Before you go cook… check out my latest release, Timothy the Christmas Mouse and the companion coloring book.

Merry Christmas,

-Virginia Wright

The Recipe Corner | Recipe Submission

Submission Guidelines

Submit Your Tried and True Recipe 

If you have a “Tried and True” recipe you would like to submit to The Recipe Corner, send in the recipe to [info] [at] virginiawright [dot] com. In the subject area type: Recipe Submission. Please include your full name and the state you are from, along with your recipe. All recipes are reviewed for publishing, if your recipe is chosen, you will be notified when it is in the queue for publication. Please read Submission Guidelines below prior to submitting a recipe.

Submission Guidelines

You will not receive any payment if we post your recipe on The Recipe Corner. Furthermore, you understand that your recipe submission grants us permission to publish your recipe royalty-free on The Recipe Corner, or in our newsletter, emails, or social media pages compensation-free. When your recipe is chosen for publication on The Recipe Corner, we will publish your recipe, first name as recipe contributor, and state you are from…and your recipe contribution enters you in the yearly giveaway.

Ayuh, Another Downeast Cookbook

What are you waiting for? Now go cook!

Submit your recipe today! No submissions-No yearly cookbook giveaway. 

The deadline for the giveaway is November 30th each year–The giveaway winner is chosen from all recipe submissions throughout the year. The first week in December the winner will be chosen.

1-person will be chosen each year to win this cookbook from all the submissions.

Need Help! Adapting a Recipe to a Healthier Version?

Send in your recipe and make sure you tell us what you want to accomplish with recipe adaptation, i.e., lower fat, lower carb, etc., and let the Queen of Recipe Adaptation see what she can do! This is a free service, and there are no guarantees, but there are many things that can be tried to achieve healthier versions of recipes.

In the subject type: Recipe Adaptation

 The Recipe Corner     eMail: info [at] virginiawright [dot] com

The Recipe Corner

Recipes @ The Recipe Corner

I’m so excited how the recipe corner is starting to shape up! It was suggested by fans that I start posting recipes on my writing blog instead of only on social media sites. Based on the requests, I am going to post recipes in a new section here on my blog, that I refer to as the recipe corner.                                                              (

If you have a “Tried and True” recipe you would like to have posted at the recipe corner, send in the recipe to [info] [at] virginiawright [dot] com. In the subject area type: Recipe Submission. Please include your full name and the state you are from along with your recipe, adding that you give permission to post your recipe. All recipes are reviewed for consideration, and if your recipe is chosen, you will be notified when it is in the queue for posting.

-Virginia Wright, Author & Queen of Recipe Adaptation :-)